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The day has come.

Rhenee stood by her mothers side with tears pricking her eyes shut as she watched her Aunt Laena being taken by the ocean.

She did her best not to cry as the small child really didn't know her but the thought of dying by her dragon cause she could not birth a babe was heartbreaking.

As much she wished not to shed a tear her mind wonders back to Ser Hawin as the news of the letter came three days ago by raven.

The note stated Ser Hawin Strong and his father were fallen victims of a fire breaking out while sleeping but nobody knew the unknown reason behind how or why he was targeted.

Her eyes scanned the people at the funeral as it was the King, Alicent, Otto (who was hand of the king again), her uncles and aunt along side was Drifmark Lord and Princess, Ser Laenor, her mother and brothers then at the far back was Daemon who watched silently then let's out a chuckle.

He chuckled as the man honored his late wife as it was a way to cope with her loss. He watched his twin daughters hold hands and cry for their mother while leaning against their grandmother as he offered no comfort.

Maybe he didn't know what to say or do for them? She wondered.

Her staring at him caught his attention as he gives her a tight lip smile before he quickly removed it from his face.

Daemond looked at the heterochromia girl as he remembered the scroll Ser Laenor sent to his sister years back on how Rhaenyra birthed a girl with two different eyes and dark hair to only have a silver strand of hair showing. He obviously thinks the man was drunk off his ass when he sent that letter but now...seeing her in person was unbelievable.


Rhenee held Jacaerys hand as they are confronted by their mother.

"Have you seen your father?" She asked as the twins shrugged. She looked over her shoulders to see the two girls sitting on a bench alone. "Your little cousins have lost their mother. They can use a kind word from the both of yous?" She say's holding one of each cheek of her children.

"I have a equal claim to sympathy." Jacaerys says as Rhenee squeezes his hand to shut up.

"Jace." Their mother warns.

"We should be at Harrenhal mourning Lord Lyorel and Ser Harwin." Rhenee wanted to agree as well on wanting to mourn for their father but quickly Rhaenyra shut that down quickly.

"It would not be appropriate. The Velaryons are our kin and the Strongs are not." Jace looked away wanting to cry. "Look at me. Do you understand?" He lifted his chin and nods slightly letting go of his sister's hand to walk over to his cousin's.

Rhaenyra pats his head while she looked at her surroundings making sure Alicent and Ser Criston were not paying attention to their whispers.

They noticed.

While Jace went to go consult their cousins as they did lose their mother.

"You as well child." She nods to Rhenee who seemed uneasy.

"What if they do not wish for my condolences? We have never met them mother."

"As I said they are our kin. They are of our blood. Your cousins will accept you my sweet girl. Just cause you look different does not mean you are, they just have to get to know you." She smiled pressing her lips to her daughter temple.

Rhenee nervously goes up to her cousins as they looked at her unsure what to say. "I am sorry for your lost cousins. Deeply saddened by this day and will forever have me if anything is needed."

The Half Bastard Princess//Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now