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Within the 11 years of Driftmark, Rhaenys Velaryon had taken both of her daughters children under her wing but mostly Baela as she was older. She taught her the ways of the sea and how to rule when her time comes.

Within the 6 years of being on Driftmark her husband has sailed off to war to only come home dangerously near death.

"It's been near six years since I last saw my lord husband, maester. I must know... will he live?" She asked ready for the worst of news.

Maester Kelvyn looked towards the Princess as he wished not to lie towards. "He led his sailors into an ambush. A ship made to look as if it were abandoned. In the fighting, his neck was slashed by a corsair's dagger. He fell overboard into the sea. The wound was severe. Much blood was lost. But the greater concern is the fever that followed. The ship's maester said he burns from within." He speaks of the information that was given to him.

The Princess sighs looking at her hands unsure what to do with her anxiety. "The ravens came in from?"

Maester Kelvyn nods. "Evenfall, Princess. So they arrive in three days."

"Let all be made ready to receive him, Maester Kelvyn."

"The Sea Snake is strong."


Vaemond stood in front of the Princess as she sat in her husband throne. "No doubt. And yet, I have seen blood fever overcome men half his age."

"I will not suffer the talk of crows in my house, Vaemond." Her words low and stern.

"I love my brother... but we must be honest with ourselves. We may greet his ship to find him gone. And who will take the Driftwood Throne?" Vaemond asked as his pride was getting ready to accept the throne as his brother was not dead yet.

"My grandmother seems quite comfortable here. She presides only in the absence of her husband." Baela speaks up as her tone is also a warning to her uncle.

"On his death, the seat passes. To Lucerys Velaryon. As is my lord husband's desire." Rhaeyns informs he husbands brother.

Vaemond face twisted in confusion. "I am the Sea Snake's own blood, the closest kin he has left."

"Be careful, good-brother. One could take your words for treason." She smiled sweetly at her words knowing if he did speak out against her husband's wishes he would have his tongue removed.

"I speak the truth, Rhaenys."

"And you know it. The matter has been decided." She says dismissing him.

Vaemond eye twitched at her words as all of Rhaenyra children are no blood of Velaryon and would do anything in his power to claim Driftmark chair as his own. He will not let his blood dry out because the Kings daughter decided to be unfaithful to her husband and have bastards.

He only had one other option to get his goal and he will sail for three days to get it.




Rhenee looked up from her book as she hears the words mumbling in her ears multiple times as if three people spoke over one another.

The Half Bastard Princess//Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now