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There was no noise throughout the castle in Kings Landing as rats snuck around the walls and snakes sliver between cracks as the night wore on and the full moon shined brightly in the princess room.

Her belly swollen as the maesters believed she carried two babes in one womb and honestly she believed and hope one will be a boy to rule in her favor once she is pronounced Queen.

Syrax is heard over by the dragon pit as night guards looked over to the large dome as she was the only dragon to cry out. Confused as the two men looked at one another they didn't dare go into the pit fear they will be swallowed whole by the spoiled dragon.

Rhaenyra Targaryen suddenly stood up from her bed holding onto her belly with both hands as she paced between her bed and window as the pain grown increasingly. Finally letting out a groan in agony she felt water drip between her thighs as she pulled back her night gown to see liquid pooled by her feet. Her contractions worsen by the second and she knew it was time for the babes to come.

"Fucking Seven Hells!" She cursed out. "Ser Harwin, get the midwives and maesters. The babes are arriving." She groans as her night guard enters the room to see the princess sweating.

"I'll alert them my princess." Harwin speaks softly but urgently as he alerts the near by maids .

Once the midwives and maesters enter Rhaenyra chambers they went to work right away. She can feel her children begging to come out her cunt. "Oh you are doing wonderful dear, one more push for the first babe." Her midwife encouraged as she did pushing the child out and hearing the cry's of the first babe, her heir.

"What is it?" She asked as the midewife wipes off the blood.

"A girl my princess, very healthy." She lays the babe beside her mother to only be pulled away once the next one was ready to come out. "I'll clean her up once more princess."

"Alright princess breath in and push." The maester instructed as the other midwives grabs a cloth ready to clean the babe.

Rhaenyra cursed loudly calling the maester a bastard which he's all heard before and not fazed by.

As she screamed in pain Syrax heavy roaring are echoed throughout the dragon pit making the creature sound she was in pain to only be relived as she to gave her pain to a clutch of eggs. One dark and other light as it represents the two babes that were once delivered the same night.

"A boy, princess. Also very healthy." The maester announced happily as he cleaned the boy up and helped him latch to his mothers breast.

"And here is the princess." The same midwife who cleaned the baby made sure to latch her daughter to her breast.

"Oh, you done very well princess. Shall I get your husband and father?"

"Please if you can find him and my father is no need at them moment let me feed the babes before retrieving him. You may go."

"Of course." She bows her head slightly.

Ser Harwin enters the room as Rhaenyra greets him with a tired smile as he slowly walked up to her and pulled back the small clothes to reveal both children they are his. "Both have dark heads princess. You know they will whisper." He says.

"Let them. I'll have their tongues if they ever call my children bastards. They are of my blood, the dragon runs deep within. I believe Syrax has laid a clutch of eggs for them."

"I will let the dragon tamer be alert in the morning to retrieve to have them in the crib."

Silence between the two as the babes gargle already belly's full of milk. Harwin grabbed his daughter to burp her as Rhaenyra stayed with the son. "She is clearly will be talked about." He says with a grin as he meets his daughter.

"And why is that?"

"She has dark hair but the left side seems to be a patch of white like yours. Her eyes are special as she has one of yours and one of mine."

Rhaenyra motions for him to bring her daughter closer as her eyes landed on the most beautiful face she's ever seen. Her hand placed right on her head brushing back the small amount of hair back as she lets tears fall out her eyes. "Our child is so beautiful, Our princess." She whispered.

"Seems like I have missed the birthing. I apologize my wife I was speaking with the Kings Hand." Ser Laenor says. "What a beautiful child my dear may I hold them?" He asked Harwin who gladly shares the moment.

"By Gods her eyes." He smiled looking at both parents in disbelief. "Does the other?"

Rhaenyra looked to her son who was already staring back at her. "No, both dark eyes and hair but he is still beautiful."

"Of course my Lady. Have you decided names?"

"I like Jacaerys for the boy." Ser Harwin speaks.

"Perfect for a prince." Laenor smiled. "And for the other?"

"She will be my heir, my first born so she must have a name fit for a future queen." Rhaenyra says as the two men stood in disbelief.

"She was born first?"

"Of course."

"If she was born out of your cunt then she must be ready to rule as queen already. No question." All three laughed together as they decided what to name the child.

"Rhenee seems to be the only thing that comes to mind." Laenor speaks as he looked to the both of parents for permission.

"I think it's a beautiful name for a beautiful child." Harwin speaks as his eyes soften more as he looked toward his daughter. "She will be a great ruler, first of her names."

"That we can agree on."

The night went on as the King and Queen arrived to meet the babes who were soundly asleep by the time they arrived. King Viserys looked into the crib and smiled proudly down on them both. He moved toward his daughter who stood by and hugged her tightly as he whispered his condolences.

"Well done my child. Was the birthing painful?" He asked as his eyes go between her and his grandchildren.

"Yes father. The boy seemed a bit difficult after his sister–"

"The girl was birthed first?" Alicent comment after inspecting the newborns. "She will be queen after you?"

"Ah, that's wonderful! Perhaps they can rule together." King Viserys smiled as he drink wine to celebrate.

"As of now I want her to be heir but I still think I'll wait to declare as they are twins I want them to grow and see what they are both capable of when it comes to ruling."

"Of course my child. Let us go back to our chambers while you spend more time with the babes. Congratulations again my daughter you did well, Oh and Laenor congratulations seems they have your nose but my daughter beauty." He chuckled.

Alicent rolled her eyes as her husband seemed drunk and delusional on his own daughter children being born bastards but she will never wag her tongue of her inner thoughts to him.

"My grand-babes will be fine rulers of the Seven Kingdom my love. Maybe we wed the girl to Aegon or Aemond perhaps." The King suggested but the Queen inner thoughts disagreed.

"Let the princess grow first. She was just born my husband."

"Ah, yes, of course." He smiled as he took the queen hand in his own "we will speak on this soon my dear wife, once she is a women."

A/N: kinda short but not all chapters will be and also this is my OC for the book and a made up name of course. Also the book won't fully follow closely to the show just certain events .

Thank you for reading!! I very much appreciate it❤️

The Half Bastard Princess//Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now