Just Unlucky

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You softly smile at him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Kim, are you hungry? I'm starving."

 You aren't hungry but you know he is very hungry.

You look at your watch, "Let's grab some lunch." You gently place your arm through his and lead him out of the studio.

He smiles letting you lead him away. He can't take his eyes off of you.

"Hey, Hyung, where are you going and who's this lovely lady?" Says Jungkook smiling his cute bunny smile. 

You smile at him, as rambunctious and impulsive as he is, you still loved having him as a charge.

Namjoon introduces you, "This is . . . " he looks at your badge again. "This is Miss Park, my new personal assistant and we're going out to lunch."

Jungkook gives a polite bow to you and says, "Hello, I'm Jungkook, it's nice to meet you."

 He leans closer to you and there for a second you thought he recognized you. Guardian Angels are usually not remembered by their previous charges, just for such situations.

He whispers, "I hope you have good health insurance." 

You fight a giggle then catch the scent of oranges and chocolate. Someone catches your eye behind Jungkook, no one can see him but you.

He speaks to you mentally, 'Hi Ara. It's good to see you. Thanks for filling me in on this one.'  he gestures towards Jungkook them smiles. 'I love a charge that can keep me on my toes.'

You laugh 'Then he is the perfect one for you, but just be aware he may be strong and adventurous but his heart is gentle.'

He nods and you ask, 'You haven't revealed yourself to him yet?' 

He replies, 'Mm, not yet. I'm just observing him for now till I can step in as his new body conditioner and trainer.'

Jungkook turns to his hyung, "Can I come with you, I'm hungry?"

You know Namjoon is about to let him come with you, but you need to take care of some preliminary business first. He starts to speak to Jungkook when you say, "Mr. Jeon, I would . . ."

Jungkook interrupts, "You can call me Kooki." he smiles his familiar bunny smile and you relent.

"Kooki, I have some things your hyung and I need to go over. It is more of a business meeting than anything." 

You see his smile fade from his face and you add, "But we will bring you back whatever you would like to eat."

This got his cute bunny smile back in full force as you knew it would. You softly chuckle to yourself, 'He is so adorable.'

You turn towards Namjoon, "We just need to stop by my office so I can pick up my briefcase." You smile at him and get a dimpled smile in return. 

"Sure, that's fine." 

On the way to your office, you tell Namjoon, "You can call me Ara if you like."

He smiles, "My close friends call me Jooni, I would like it if you did too."

You think to yourself, 'I would like that very much.'  You smile at him adoring his dimples.

At the restaurant, Namjoon is ready to take care of the business side of the lunch and spend some time getting to know you. There is something about you that has his heart flutter when you smile at him.

"So, what do we need to discuss, appointments, schedules, or meetings?" he asks politely.

"All of the above," you tell him and you both laugh.

You open your briefcase and pull out a planner and hand it to him, "This is your copy of the newest upcoming schedule, and this..." You pull out a smaller planner and hand it to him, "This is your personal planner."

 You scoot a little closer to him and start pointing out various appointments. Your hair falls forward as you reach to turn a page in the planner.

He smiles, 'Her hair smells nice.' 

As you're glancing at the dates in his planner he was admiring your beautiful hair.

"Your upcoming doctor appointments are in here and there is a trip to the bicycle shop for maintenance and your book reading checklist is in here as well." 

You peek up at him to see if he is following you and you realize just how close your faces were.  You lean back, slightly embarrassed but try to continue like nothing happened.  

"You have a date for lunch with your sister next week. Oh, and you will find there are days scheduled for bike riding." Having finished pointing out the current upcoming events you sit back and wait to see if he has questions. 

He is smiling because his previous personal assistant never liked to ride bikes. He notices you are watching him and then he realizes you were waiting to hear from him regarding the schedule. "Everything is perfect," he clears his throat saying, "Perfect."

 You swear there was a shift of emotion in that one word. Then all too quickly for him, lunch was over.

You are exiting the restaurant and suddenly say, "Oh look Jooni isn't that beautiful?" as you glance then pull him aside to look at the single flower blooming in the pot outside the restaurant. He almost stumbled into you.

You both hear a weird noise and exclamations of people in shock and turn to look just as a large metal letter from over the restaurant crashes on the ground, cracking the sidewalk where Namjoon had been standing before you pulled him away.

"You ok?" you ask him, even though you know he is.

His eyes filled with concern, "Yeah, just unlucky. But are you ok?" he quickly looked you over for any obvious signs of injury.

"I'm fine." The suv pulls up, "Our ride is here, let's go." 

You take his hand and pull him along with you as he seems mesmerized by the letter partially sticking out of the sidewalk after its impact.

Namjoon's heart is still pounding from the near miss, "Gladly" he says as he looks back up where the letter fell and shakes his head in disbelief.

"My destructive powers must be growing," he jokingly says to you as he bends down to get in the car.

 You look up and you see her. You hold back a sigh and send her a message. 'We will talk later daughter of Loki.'  

You hear her laughing as she disappears.

Guardian Angel Assignment: Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now