It Wasn't Me

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As the weeks passed, one after the other, you and Namjoon became close friends. On the day you went with him bike riding, he shared a lot of personal feelings and secrets with you. It was the side effect of being a Guardian Angel. He felt very safe opening up to you.

The more you knew about him, the real him, not the RM persona, but the real him, the more you wanted to be around him. As his assistant, you were able to spend quality time alone with Namjoon.

You arranged for him to spend time at one of the largest bookstores in the city. He is browsing through books, keeping his head down, with his hoodie pulled low over his face, and wearing dark sunglasses.

"Jooni, you don't have to wear your sunglasses inside. I'm surprised you can even see the titles on the books." you softly chide him.

He leans near, "I don't want to be recognized. It would disrupt the others here to buy books and read."

"Please take your hood down and the sunglasses off. I promise no one will recognize you here." You lay a hand on his arm, "Go ahead, it'll be alright."

He looks around at all the people in the mega bookstore, doubtful about doing as you asked. You give his arm a little reassuring squeeze.

Hesitantly, he removes his sunglasses, still keeping his head down. There was no commotion; everyone kept going about browsing books or reading. He puts his sunglasses in his pocket, and one of the earpieces breaks off.

You hear him sigh as he shoves the two pieces in his pocket. You squint, looking for the Daughter of Loki, but don't see her, yet you hear, 'Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Oh my, I see an angry toddler and a display case of wooden building blocks . . . time for some fun!'

'Don't you hurt the child!' you demand of her.

She replies, 'I never would, never.'

There is a loud crash, and chaos ensues from the other side of the bookstore. You roll your eyes and sigh.

"It wasn't me," says Namjoon as he looks at you, unsure if he may have caused it or not.

'Could she possibly think I had anything to do with that? We were just over there, and I admired some of the items. Could I have placed something back where it would eventually fall?'

As he is considering the possibility it was his fault, he tentatively pushes his hoodie back over his face. You reach behind him and tug it completely off his head. He quickly ducks behind a display of books waiting for fans and sasaengs to recognize him and start crowding him and the isles of the bookstore.

He is mildly surprised when none of that happens. You held his hand and led him out from behind the book display.

You almost started laughing as it was a display of books about Angels, Archangels, and Guardian Angels.

Most of the bookstore patrons rushed to see what had happened on the other side of the store, and those who didn't were too busy talking about it to even notice RM.

You hear, 'You're welcome.' and her laughter fades away.

You start to giggle, and Namjoon looks at you confused, then starts swiping his hand through his hair. "Is my hair sticking up or something?"

"No, your hair is fine." You think to yourself, 'Very fine.'

He turns to look at the books on display. "Do you believe in Angels?"

You smile sweetly, "Yes, I do."

"I have always been fascinated by the possibility of Angels. Especially Guardian Angels."

'Does he know?' you think, slightly worried. You aren't ready for him to know yet. He continues talking about Angels.

"Ever since Taehyung kept talking about his Guardian Angel and kept trying to get us to see him, I have become curious about the history and legend of Angels."

You softly smile, "Should we put a few books in our basket? Maybe the one about Guardian Angels?"

He smiles and puts two books in the roller basket. "These look interesting."

Smiling, you think, 'This may lead to him having an open mind about accepting who I am.'

After spending a couple of hours in the bookstore, you and Namjoon are standing in the checkout line. He starts looking around, smiling so much that his dimples are showing. He has never enjoyed being out in public as he has today. He looks softly at you.

"What is it, Jooni?"

"No one recognizes me." The awe in his voice is refreshing.

You point to the display set up near the cash registers, where there is a magazine with him on the cover. He starts to pull his hoodie back up, but you stop him.

"You have been looking around since we have been in line, and no one has recognized you, even with your face on the cover of the magazine. Don't worry, they can't," you reassure him.

"But, what? How could they not . . .?" confused he asks you.

You smile softly at him and ask, "Do you trust me, Kim Namjoon?"

"Yes, of course," his brows furrow in confusion as to why you asked and called him by his full name.

You place your hand on his forearm, "They see what I see, a man with a love of books and reading, waiting to check out."

Guardian Angel Assignment: Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now