There's Something You Need To Know

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You walk to Namjoon's studio, going over how to explain to him that you are a Guardian Angel, 'Maybe I should have Taehyung come too? '

You reach Namjoon's studio. Opening the door, you begin to frown. The lights are off.

You see a figure and softly call out, "Namjoon?" You reach for the light switch and turn the light on.

You gasp and stumble back against the door. "No, No, you can't  be. . ." 

You try to turn the knob on the door, and it won't open. It feels like your heart is breaking as you turn to face him, trying to read him. Some of the higher order of fallen angels can hide who they are, even from other angels. There are barely imperceivable signs one could look for, but they weren't instantly noticeable.

 There are barely imperceivable signs one could look for, but they weren't instantly noticeable

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"Ara, stop."

You watch as he holds his arms out just enough to turn his palms facing you. You watch in confusion as he unfurls beautiful black wings.

He starts to step towards you." There is something you need to know." he starts to reach out to you.

 You have to act instantly if a dark angel is here . . . 'I have to protect the others!!'

A bright flash and he is temporarily blinded. He shields his eyes with his hands. As the brightness dims he is immobilized in disbelief.

Caught off guard at seeing a Dark Angel standing in Namjoon's studio, you are in full Guardian Angel form. In white robes, a golden belt, and bracers, holding a drawn sword in your hand. Your long hair flows around you as if caught on a breeze as energy causes a halo effect around your form. 

You stand braced to defend the others from this dark angel, but something is off. Your enhanced Guardian Angle energy lets you see him clearly and realize it is just Namjoon. 

In awe, Namjoon whispers, "Tae was right."

"Namjoon, I don't understand. Taehyung was right about what?"

Your sword and wings disappear, and the halo effect shimmers less. You walk to him, "Right about what?"

He blushes, feeling guilty about tricking you. "Tae said if I showed myself in this, it would cause you to reveal your true form. He was right. It worked."

He moves his arms out a little, and his wings unfurl again. "But sadly, my wings are not real like yours."

Bewildered, you ask, "Like mine?"

He understands you are confused, "My wings, they are not real. They are part of our Black Swan attire."

"Why would you do something like this to me?" you have returned to your human form and sit on his small couch. He removes the wings from his shoulders, sits them aside, and then joins you on the couch.

He takes your hand in his, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you or upset you. I, I just . . . you're a real Guardian Angel?"

"If you thought so, why didn't you just ask me instead of trying to trick me? I could have killed you, Namjoon . . ." with eyes misting up with tears at what almost happened, you whisper as you place both hands on each side of his face, "I would have killed you. . . "

A tear falls and runs down your cheek, and Namjoon gently brushes it away. "If you had, I would have deserved it. I'm so sorry. I was afraid if I asked, you would think I was crazy or something like we did, Taehyung." He hangs his head in shame over how they treated Taehyung.

 He guiltily looks up at you, "But if you weren't, then I could just say I put this on to show you or something. I never meant to upset you. Please say you can forgive me."

Releasing a melancholy sigh, you tell him, "I'm an angel. Of course, I forgive you." 

You have put your hands in your lap, one clasped with the other. With a heavy heart, you gaze up into his eyes and see the regret for tricking you, but it doesn't change what you must do now.

 You stand, your eyes dry of tears, but inside, your heart is breaking, "Kim Namjoon, the time has come for me to leave. Your personal assistant is back."

He stands up and takes both your hands in his, "You're a real Guardian Angel and . . . and you're mine?" he hesitantly asks.

"Yes, Kim Namjoon, I am a Guardian Angel assigned to you." Your form starts to return to that of a Guardian Angel and begins to appear transparent. 

He reaches out for you, "Wait! You're a Guardian Angel, and you're mine, and I, I . . .Please don't go, don't leave me."

You spread your wings a soft glow emanates gently around Kim Namjoon. "You won't remember me or what Kim Taehyung has revealed about me."

"I'm in love with you, Ara . . . . "  He feels tears running down his face as you are no longer visible to him. 

You hear his last words, 'I'm in love with you.' Now you know the harsh reality of why humans should be regarded as 'assignments.' It hurts too much to fall in love with one.

Guardian Angel Assignment: Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now