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You sit back as the door opens and the driver hands in the to-go food for Jungkook.

"Thank you, Henry." 

He smiles at you, "You're welcome, Miss Park."

The car starts to move forward, and you notice Namjoon staring at you.

"What is it?" you ask out of curiosity.

He snaps out of it sheepishly, complimenting you, "You have a beautiful smile."

You smile at him, "As do you, with your dimples." you compliment him back. 'His dimples are a trap I could easily fall into.' You are startled by your thought, 'Where did that come from? Pull yourself together. You are a Guardian Angel!'

You notice a slight blush on his cheeks, "May I ask you something . . . Ara?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Will you have dinner with me tonight?" He sees you start to speak and, thinking you will reject him, hurriedly says, "To go over schedules in more detail?"

You rest your hand over his, sending him a feeling of confidence, "Of course."

He sets a time to pick you up tonight, and when you get back to the company, you tell him, "Jooni, you have a wardrobe fitting soon. All of you do, but yours is the last of the day." 

You look at your watch, "We got back just in time. After that, you are free for the evening."

He grumbles. " A fitting after eating a meal?" he sighs, and you softly laugh.

"One meal won't matter, Jooni."

"Yeah, well, the last fitting I had after lunch, I ended up splitting the seat of my pants." He blushes and lowers his head.

"Jooni, having a full tummy can't cause that to happen. It was either a missed sewn seem, or they gave you the wrong size." 

You can picture Loki's daughter breaking the threads before they are given to him to try on. You swear you could hear her trying to smother a giggle. She seems never to be far away.

You suddenly remember a time when Jungkook's pants had split. 'Oh, daughter of Loki, you love creating mischief with these boys.'  

This time her laughter was full, 'They are my pleasure. An unbuckled belt on stage, a zipper left undone, buttons popping off of shirts.'  You hear her sigh, and then the laughter fades away.

Namjoon looks at you as if you hold the answers to the universe, "Why do I always break things, trip or drop things? Honestly, Ara, it's embarrassing as hell."  

He thinks as he waits for your reply, 'Why am I drawn to be so open with her? I don't understand this feeling.'

You pat his hand, then gently hold onto it, "It's not you, trust me. Please don't take the things that happen to heart." and you smile sweetly at him.

"But, I feel I'm an embarrassment to the others, and I'm supposed to be their leader, and I'm just a klutz." He hangs his head in defeat. "I feel like they could do better than me."

You turn on the seat to face him, "Look at me, Namjoon." He slowly lifts his head, his eyes full of sadness.

"Don't ever think that way about yourself. From all I have heard before meeting you, is what a great leader you are. You especially have the utmost respect and admiration of the youngest. He looks up to you. In his eyes, you have never let him down."

Feeling forlorn, he says, "They and the staff all expect me to break something so that now if anything I touch breaks, it's automatically my fault, and I get made fun of."

"You tease Jimin that he's got no jams, and make fun of Jin's dad jokes. You all have something that you tease the other for. It's not because you try to hurt each other. It is because you are a family that loves each other, and teasing and harmlessly making fun of one another is a perfectly normal thing to do. And not getting mad at each other shows how close you all are."

You watch as Namjoon takes this in. You take both his hands in yours.

 "Jooni, things happening to you seem like they are only happening to you because others point it out because you are the leader. If you pay attention, you will also notice things happen to the others, too."

Namjoon is sitting there silent, going over all the things you just told him.

He begins to ask, "How did you know about . . ."

The driver announces, "We've arrived." He parks and cuts the suv off, then steps out to open the door for you and Namjoon.

You hand the food to Namjoon after the driver assists you with getting out of the suv. "Do you want to take that to Jungkook, or do you want me to get another member of staff to do it?"

He smiles and takes the bag from you, accidentally, on purpose, letting his hand touch yours. "I'll do it. I will see you later for dinner?"

You smile back, gently rubbing your hand where his fingers touched. "Yes." 

You wonder to yourself, 'What a strange sensation. His touch felt like it sent an electrical pulse to my heart.'  You shake it off.

You start to turn away to head to your office then turn back, "Oh would you like me to drive tonight, I could pick you up instead."

He grins but says, "My driver will take us. Maybe another time we can go for a drive in your car?"

You smile, "I would love that. See you later tonight Jooni."

He stands there watching you go down the hall, 'I've never met someone like her before. Could it be what they call 'love at first sight?'  He shakes his head and goes to find Jungkook.

Guardian Angel Assignment: Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now