I Know Her From Somewhere

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Namjoon is on his way back to his studio when Jimin catches up to him and says, "I've been looking for you hyung."

"Well, you found me, Jimin. What do you need me for?"

"It's just that whole guardian angel thing, Taehyung is talking about seeing angels again. He and Kooki almost got into a fight over it. The rest of us are getting worried."

Next thing Namjoon knows, Jimin is waving his hands in front of his face, "Earth to hyung, hey you in there?"

Namjoon snaps out of it and looks at Jimin, "Huh?"

"Hyung, where did you go? Because you were not here mentally. I mean, I'm talking to you, and you have a faraway look like you left your body or something. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sure," Namjoon distractedly mumbles his reply.

Little does Jimin know that bits and pieces of broken memories torment him as he tries to make sense of it all.

"I'm sure Tae is just messing with you guys. Trying to get back at you for picking on him, thinking he had a guardian angel protecting him." 

There is silence between the two as Jimin walks with him back to his studio. There they see Jungkook waiting.

Seeing the look on his maknae's face, he asks, "Kook, what is it?"

"It's Tae and his angel talk again, but this time he says you have one following you and . . . "

Namjoon looks at Jimin and Jungkook, asking, "Guys, have you ever wondered if they might be real?"

They both look at their leader in shock and, in unison, say, "Huh?"

"Tae told us that you think you have one too. That you asked him about Guardian Angels," says Jungkook.

Jimin looks worriedly at Namjoon, "Yeah, we became worried when he said something about you having wings and getting your guardian angel to show herself or something."

Namjoon rolls his eyes and sighs, "Now I know who put the wings in my room."

Jungkook, appearing confused, asks, "What? What are you talking about?"

"Are you seeing angels now, too?" questions Jimin.

"No, I found my black wings in my studio today, and I wondered how they got there. When I went to the wardrobe, the staff checked their paperwork and said, you, Mr. Kim...." Surprise hits him, and he laughs, "I thought she was telling me I signed them out. I bet it was KIM Taehyung who did it."

He reaches his studio and opens the door, letting them in. He is still laughing, "He got me good. What a prank."

Jungkook laughs along, "It could have been Jin hyung. He is a Kim, too."

Jimin thinks for a few seconds and says, "No, it couldn't have been him. He was at the hand specialist today."

Namjoon says, "So that leaves Kim Taehyung."

Namjoon starts laughing again, telling them, "I thought I was losing my mind." Jimin and Jungkook start laughing. 

Namjoon says, "So, guys, how about getting some food? I'm hungry."

They chime in on that great idea, "Yeah!"

Jungkook is excited, asking, "Can I have lamb skewers?"

Namjoon laughs at his dongsaengs, "Whatever you guys want." Namjoon is feeling a little jubilant, 'I'm not losing my mind, Taehyung was just playing a joke on me.'

Jimin asks, "Can we bring Tae too?"

Namjoon sighs, "Yes, of course." 

Inside, Namjoon is happy because he will be spending time with the Maknae line. He doesn't get to do that as much as he would like. He is hoping being with them will keep him distracted.

They met up in the company lobby after changing clothes. "Ready?" asks Namjoon.

They all smile and then suddenly look at Jungkook.

"Sorry, I'm just hungry." He places his hands over his stomach, and a faint blush rises to his cheeks.

They start laughing over Jungkook's stomach, rumbling as Namjoon holds the door open. Ever the gentleman, they step back to let a young lady in first. Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook are still laughing, but Namjoon's laugh drops and his face turns pale as he turns around and stares at you.

'I know her from somewhere.'  Flashes of scattered, disjointed memories rocket through his mind. White wings, holding hands, riding bikes, a broken staff, and other fleeting images race through his mind. He closes his eyes tightly in an effort to be rid of them for now.

The trio turns around, and Jimin taps him on the shoulder, "Hyung, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I just thought I saw someone I know. Let's get going before Jungkook drops from starvation." as if on cue Jungkook's stomach protests loudly at having to wait. They all laughed again as they left the building.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Namjoon should not have recognized her, but love is sometimes the strongest power of all. The others didn't recognize her because she made it where they weren't meant to. The only reason Namjoon had a spark of recognition was because his love for her was strong.

Guardian Angel Assignment: Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now