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"Let me tell you, I am not ready for this at all."

It was 1 in the afternoon and one committee member from the examination council on campus decided to come see us before we started our papers.

We had already written one in the morning and we were now left with one.

Yay! Note the sarcasm.

For the first time in my life. I was unprepared and the weird part was, I loved it!

Mr. Bentley convinced us to take the second paper tomorrow but we wanted to finish and get this done.

Besides, as much as Darien and I loved spending time together, studying for a paper was not part of it.

After my little chat with Rosa, we came back to Darien's room and guess what? His father was in the room spending some time with him.

I was really fortunate I wasn't spotted because I was about to announce myself but stopped when I saw both of them murmuring about things I obviously couldn't hear.

So immediately I stepped foot inside the room, I made a quick turn and tiptoed outside. I was not ready to face Mr. Walls.

Despite the two of us sustaining some burns, I thought the man would be assigned a bed to heal his wounds but no.

For the past three days we'd been here, he was careless about his well-being. His son was his main priority and I loved that about him.

Albeit he had his hands wrapped in a semi cast just like how mine was till it was later removed shortly today for the exam, he was moving about trying to get the best health care for his son. I wish I had a father like him.

"I thought I'd see you here."

Now how was I supposed to avoid him. I thought I was doing a very great job.

"Hello Mr. Walls." I responded with a sheepish smile on my face. No seriously, how did I not see him coming.

"Jacob. You can call me Jacob or even dad." I nodded with my face still down with the sheepish smile plastered on my face. How do you avoid someone who doesn't want you to avoid him.

Am I even making sense?

Maybe this was a great time to apologize to him. " I'm sorry Mr. Walls-I mean Jacob. This was all my fault. I'm sorry for putting you and your family in this position."

"What are you talking about?"

"The fire sir. If I hadn't come into your life that wouldn't have happened. I thought I was- I sighed. It doesn't matter now, I'm really sorry and I'm relieved you and Darien are fine now."

"Miss Anderson, this had nothing to do with you. I should be thanking you for saving me and my boy's life. If you hadn't come in there on time we would have been dead."

"Miss Anderson. Look at me. You shouldn't feel guilty about something you had no control of. The police after their investigation said it was a leaked pipe from the gas tank and we happened to be at the house at the wrong time."


He nodded placing his two hands on my shoulders. "Can I call you K just like how my boy does?" My nod and glassy eyes were enough for him to pull me into his arms.

All this while, I thought he despised me. The burden and anxiety I was carrying just fell off from my shoulders. I wanted Darien's parent to like me and not speaking to Jacob after the incident drained me from the inside. Now, I can finally breathe.

"This is life. You can't control what happens next. Take that from me. You don't know what you've done for my family. I'm grateful to you. For not giving up on him when we were stuck in there.

"There, there, let it all out." And that did the trick. I was a mess as I sobbed harder clinging to Mr. Walls as I tightened my arms around his waist. He stayed and continued to mutter comforting words as it vibrated in his chest. It was a safe space for me to enjoy this fatherly figure.

"Now, are we done?" He patted my head once more after I shook my head on his chest.

"Now look at me. I know this must have been traumatic for you as it was for all of us. Darien asked me to book his session for him with his Sofia. I think it would be good for you if I booked one for-"

"No I'm fine Jacob. I promise I am. You don't have to worry about me." My shriek at the end almost, almost gave me away. I was perfectly fine and could handle this on my own.

"That's what they all say till they combust. I can see it in your eyes. Everything. You've hidden it so well that even you try to convince yourself that you are but you're not.

I'm pleading with you. As a gift for what you did for Darien and I, I want you to have a joint session with him. If you don't like it after that I promise, I won't force you again."

I begrudgingly agreed to it and that was how we had a joint session booked with Mrs. Davidson; Darien's shrink tomorrow. That was also part of the reasons why we wanted to finish this degree today.

"Why are we going to write this together again? You're going to distract me." Darien pouted looking at me with his silly face.

"You were the one who begged them for us to write together."

"Yeah well I want-"

"Jordon!" My boss was standing in front of our room giving me a hard glare. What did I do now? I requested and even got my leave before all this happened.

Oh no. My phone. Where was my phone. My thoughts stopped rambling when I felt two strong hands around me.

"I've been trying to get a hold of you since you became extremely famous but I guess I had to see see your assistant first."


"You sister told me I'd find you here and I come bearing gifts and... people." Jordon didn't even get to finish his sentence when Wanzita walked in. She dumped the gifts right on my laps and decided to choke me.

"I'm not dead yet but I will be if you don't let me breathe."

She sighed as Jordon went to Darien's bed to speak with him.

"How are you doing? Everyone in the office have been talking about you. You're a hero K." Her statement made me roll my eyes while she jerked my elbow with hers.

" I'm fine, he- I pointed at Darien, is still recovering."

"Well, all of us back at the office are really glad you both are okay. But girl! You've been the talk of the town for almost a week. Have you been to twitter?"

I shook my head and tried to change the topic. I knew that might happen after seeing what was being said on the news and other entertainment segments.
Don't they have anything better to do?

"It doesn't matter though cause right now you two-she pointed at Darien and I, are now the power couple."

Ehhh, beats me.

Ehhh, beats me

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