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"...it's being so long having you here with me Keturah."

"Yes thank you. It's really good to be back but quickly, let's get the weather forecast for today. Hill?"

"Right. You're still watching Goodmorning Z. The morning rains today ........"

My hands reached for my coffee immediately the fifth camera turned to Hill who had been standing in front of the green screen for some time now. Ugh! It felt so great to be back and on the breakfast show.

Hill finished after some fifteen minutes leaving me and my co-host to continue for another hour.

An hour of insights from the presidency, political actors, viral TikTok videos, weather forecasts, some daily health tips and of course one bit interview with our guest artist for the day.

The adrenaline hit me when I realized that this was my third time being on the morning show. I wasn't going to mess this up.

Jordon had told me earlier that he wanted me here permanently if I could prove to him that my mind was back in the job and, I do badly wanted to show him and me of course that I deserved it. And before I knew it, we were told to wrap up.

"....right, wonderful. It's been great having you on the show. I said straining up some words briefly with Ashley Burner; our guest artist for the day as my director ordered my co-host and I to look into the first camera before signing off.

"No. Thanks for having me. It's been such a pleasure." Ashley is a model who came in to teach us and our audience some poses when it came to taking a simple yet glamorous photo.

"You're welcome, a very big thank you for watching, that will be all for today. You can connect with us on all social media platforms @ZBN. We'll be back tomorrow God willing with some more news. My name is Keturah Anderson and I'm Keith Powell. Up next is Global extra."

The montage signaled the end of the show leaving me with the rest of the crew as they came in to express their happiness of me being back. As I said it was good to be back but if it were up to me, I would have taken another two weeks off.

I badly wanted to be with Darien for his sessions since he'd been trying to walk without the walker. Things had been quite overwhelming after we were discharged from the hospital and it made me think of going back in there to admit myself no-both of us.

We forgot that the peace and quiet was only in the hospital and not in our lives. Darien's parents had wonderfully revamped their home exceeding the former version of their house. Mr.Walls agreed to let Darien have his sessions with his physiotherapist at home since he'd been whining bitterly about the smell and food at the hospital.

I certainly did agree because if we were to stay in those beds one more week, we would have gotten out of there our own way.

I love your anchor voice, could listen to it all day.....

My smirk grew after listening to Darien rant in his message. His cheesiness was gradually growing on me and I loved it.

"Keturah!" My head snapped to Jordon on the hallway gesturing to follow him. He gave me some admirable remarks about the morning show making my chest puff with pride. But not in his face though. I didn't want to sound egoistic and then later disappoint him.

Together with the crew team, we conjured new ideas for the show to make it worthwhile for another two hours before leaving his office for my station at the newsroom. Lunch came by pretty quickly for my liking. I mean who doesn't like food.

Hey! Wanna grab some food?

My phone pinged with a simultaneous yes and a location from my friends. Dany had been working for her father in his company while Cheryl and Anton were still working to get their wedding done in three months. Dany and I had started to help whenever we had the time especially on weekends.

Honestly, it was fun and exhausting but we wouldn't have it any other way. The free cake tasting and bridal wears made it extremely difficult for Cher to choose but we had time.

I got to one of our go-to-eat-places in no time and spotted them in our usual spot.

"Uh! Right on time. Cher is asking for ideas with the design for their cars."

I ordered my usual and turned to my best friends who were going through some photos of designed cars for a wedding entrance.

"This wouldn't match the colours, how about this one?"

"Eh." Cher and I opposed looking for another one to beat the entrance.

"Oh oh this one!" Cher turned to the other and we all nodded. The colours were the same as hers and the design on the cars were sophisticated.

"Ugh! Can't wait! This is all so tiring but worth it. Anton was picking his suit the other day and he almost came back looking like a stick was shoved in his ass.

He just found the one he was looking for yesterday. It was like seeing a kid with chocolate. He was so giddy."

Cher cooed making us snort. "Shut up and eat your food." Dany and I muttered a yes ma'am and dived into our food.


"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm n-

"Okay you guys enough. I'm leaving, my break is almost over." I gulped shoving down my laughter inside my throat.

"Now be good and stop bickering."

"Yes mommy."

"Hey!" We all burst into laughter and sighed almost in unison. I'm glad the dinner was almost empty. That would have been utter embarrassment. My phone pinged indicating my Uber was here.

"Love you two, gotta go. Oh! You both free this weekend? We could spend time with Darien. He's doing so good with his physiotherapist. I want you two to come visit him."

"I'll bring Anton." I nodded walking to the entrance of the diner.

"Oh no. I'm not going to be the fifth wheel. Guys? Say something! K!" Dany continued groaning making me smirk.

"My ride is here."

"That's not fair." I heard her whine but I was already at the door. That was payback for her countless TikTok she forced me into. Haha!


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