The Beginning

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The building cast its shadow across the broad river below, just as it had for a century of peaceful mornings. The river, having contributed stones for the structure above, reflected the sun's warmth back to it for as many smalltown afternoons. Each of the building's three stories served a different purpose but all served well, aging gracefully and together. It was in this space that Liv & Frank's time began.

Frank's first impression of Liv was notable. She stood. "I guess I'm just fed up with the idea of NEVER getting to drink again. I mean, it's my one true love, my escape from THIS," gesturing wildly with her hands, "this world that is SO fucked up. Now what? I'm broken and I have to be even better than those that aren't? Like, I don't expect to be able to moderate nor do I even want that. If I wanted to be a moderate drinker, I probably would be and I sure as shit wouldn't be here! No offense, Gary," Liv added.

Gary nodded and waved Liv on.

"It's just, why can't I have one day a year, like a cheat day? Call into work on a Friday, surrender my car keys and just go for it? I mean, I'd probably die..." Liv trailed off, "but dammit living at this table isn't much better. Maybe one of you quitters can babysit me while I do it. A cheat day. Weight Watchers fucking gets a cheat day." Pleased, Liv returned to her seat with only silence to accompany her.

"Thanks for sharing again, Liv. Always enlightening. I'm hearing a lot of frustration, and my experience would suggest taking things slower," suggested Gary.

"One day at a time," about half of those in attendance said together. The other half, minus one, nodded in agreement.

"Frank, how about you? Do you have anything to share today?" Gary asked hopefully. Frank sipped from his Styrofoam cup, cleared his throat and looked up from the floor, "You know, she's right, Gary." The room was now silent. Satisfied with that result, Frank turned his attention to Liv, "You're right. We deserve a cheat day. Something to look forward to. I spend my whole life on edge and need a break from that sometimes. Normal people don't have to fight themselves this much. They don't have these violent, unbearable emotions trying to claw their way out every time they let their guard down for one second. I'm ALWAYS telling myself what NOT to do. Don't flip the table. Don't punch the wall. Don't scream in the grocery store. Don't drink. Don't get me wrong...some of this pain makes me stronger, maybe even more interesting but it'd be nice to give in and just be a piece of shit every now and then. I just want to tell myself, 'yes,' sometimes. You know?" a moment of quiet reflection, "You're right, Liv. DAMMIT! You're right," Frank punctuated his response with a slap to the large table which left ripples in everyone's little cups of coffee and a warm tingle in his palm.

Gary chimed in, "Thank you, for that, Frank. Let's read a little from the Big Book, everyone, and discuss generosity for the remainder of our meeting. Generosity to others and to ourselves." They smirked at one another nervously.

After the meeting, Liv slipped out right away. Frank was close behind her, but she was already smoking her first cigarette when he reached the riverside picnic table. "Some speech," Frank said.

Liv exhaled through her pursed lips and nodded in agreement. "You smoke?" She tilted a fresh pack of cigarettes in Frank's direction.

"Nah, quit years ago. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy. I don't want to buy 2-$10 packs a day anymore. The first two cigarettes are always gross anyway. There's no sense in cheating." Frank stood upwind of Liv with both hands hidden inside his favorite hoodie.

"No wonder you share my sensibilities. The Weight Watcher's hypothesis," she snickered, "You don't have a damn bit of sunshine in your life," Liv finished, appearing to enjoy that this probably hurt Frank a little.

"Sunshine has a way of killing me," Frank shot back.

"Shit, guy," Liv replied as she extended her hand. "Olivia if you're my mother, Liv for anyone else."

"Frank," he replied, shaking Liv's hand briefly. A feeling of relief washed over Frank when she didn't throw any of the 'cool guy' handshakes of Frank's younger co-workers. He was sure they only did it to embarrass him. Assholes.

"Nice to meet you, Liv. I appreciate that you weren't scared to go off script at the table. It was a rare, authentic moment," Frank said approvingly.

"I don't do scared," Liv said as if it were the only truth available, smoke flowing from her mouth without any sense of direction.

"I have the fear part covered for both of us," he replied, "Again, great meeting you," Frank gave a friendly wave and was off before he could embarrass himself in front of his new friend.

"Later," Liv replied, gesturing with her burnt down cigarette.

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