The End

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"You can't possibly understand how much I'll miss you," Frank whispered closely as he brushed Liv's hair behind her ear. The sun was just beginning to peek through the bedroom curtains and light traffic sounds crept in. The apartment was, otherwise, beautifully quiet.

"You're just saying that because of⸺"

"It certainly didn't hurt," Frank slipped in.

"No, hurt is not what I saw last night. Just imagine how much you'll miss me when my panties actually come off," Liv replied with a devil on one shoulder. It felt good to have such power over a man, over anything, after months of having nothing but weakness.

"Do I have to imagine? Because I'm sure I am more than capable with the mental images I saved from last night but..." Frank waited.

Liv rolled to her back, lifted the blanket with her hips and awkwardly wriggled out of her cotton boyshorts in a maneuver that was as about as graceful as it was sexy. The final step was the appearance of Liv's black underwear dangling above Frank's face and then dropping to the floor. "Nope," Liv grinned. Frank's shorts were never seen again.

They'd continued for the final weeks with a clinical combination of drinking and sex. They didn't go out much anymore and the in-home activities were typically decided upon by how Liv felt on a given day. The days were accelerating with each knowing that the end was near. Liv was paler and weaker but remained sharp with her comebacks. She was, to Frank, still beautiful. Frank was doing his very best to live in the moment right up until the last one. He had the paperwork to prove that he could walk right into paid-for rehab the moment Liv was gone. That was, in fact, what she demanded. The day had come and they both could feel it.

"Frank, remember when you found out that I lived above the cafe?" Liv asked.

"Yeah, I asked you if you were going to retire on the roof?" replied Frank.

"Want to take me on a date tonight?"

"I can't imagine anything I'd rather do," Frank replied, knowing that this was the night that he lost her. Loyal to the end, he'd give Liv exactly what she wanted. Much like they had come together, slowly and with luck, the sun dropped behind the modest skyline and left a crystal clear, night sky for their viewing. Frank set up a thoughtfully curated picnic dinner of light snacks, on the roof, while Liv was napping in the late afternoon. She hadn't been eating much but a picnic needs food or else you're just two people sitting on a roof. They had previously discussed what their last drinks would be. It'd been a few years but Frank remembered Liv's. It was a specific, vintage Champagne. However, the thought of drinking champagne on this night was too much for Frank. He wouldn't be celebrating. This would be his last drink with Liv and nothing pairs with bittersweet, angry love like a hot bourbon. In his experience. Each beverage, and their respective glass, was waiting when Frank carried Liv up to the roof in his arms. He sat her down gently on the previously arranged cushions and offered her a drink.

"Let's see if it lives up to all the hype," Liv stated weakly but with some enthusiasm remaining in her gaze.

"My lady," as Frank poured and handed her a crystal glass of bubbles.

"Will you have any?" Liv asked as she looked up at Frank. "Of course not, I'm sorry," as she realized the conflict.

"No apologies. Remember? Besides, I've imported something nice from the great state of Kentucky," Frank offered.

Liv didn't eat and she was too weak to do much but lean on Frank. She agreed that the Champagne was the best she'd ever had but wasn't sure it was worth the $2k asking price. Liv drank most of the two glasses poured for her and genuinely appeared to find some joy in them. The remainder would stay on the roof come morning. Frank was content with his bourbon and didn't touch the food either. The pair leaned back to watch the starlit sky as Frank held Livvy in his arms, wrapped in a blanket. As the night passed into early morning, Frank grew cold as what little warmth he had from Liv dissipated. She had left beaneath the fading stars just as the sun began to rise.

Frank didn't move an inch until well into the heat of the day. Liv was gone but what remained was the only thing he had in this world. Frank might as well have been leaving his leg on the roof as he hobbled from it, half a glass of bourbon in his wake. 

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