The Beginning of the End

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Frank and Liv's agreement permitted them one experience, each, per year with their one true love. They had always loved to be drunk more than anything else but were also smart enough to know that on their own, they'd soon die for this love. Despite having little to live for, human nature tends toward survival and neither was ready for a premature end. Hence, the arrangement. It was good while it lasted, great actually, but wasn't without its problems. Frank and Liv cared greatly about one another but had grown to believe that being together, as more than boozy, death-cult buddies would be the end of them. On the contrary, limiting their relationship would keep them alive and allow them to engage, periodically, with their demons. However, they'd be doing so alone. It wasn't always clear which route was correct. Frank & Liv were chronically out of sync in this regard which was, perhaps, the only thing that had saved them.

A phone call lasting a single minute changed everything. The end was near. When she told Frank, Liv worried more about his future than she did her own. Frank had years to endure and now Liv only had a few months. Having grown to love one another over the preceding 10 years, it was only natural that each was fearful of losing the other. Frank was uncertain of how he'd move on without Liv. He couldn't stand the thought of watching her die but was simultaneous jealous that it wasn't him. Liv had literally been sick over the thought of watching Frank lose her. Then there was what he might do afterwards. Inwardly, each was free falling but for different reasons. Liv no longer had to worry about how to live sustainably. Frank had to decide if he even wanted to and, if so, how to go about doing that when the plan that had generated so much happiness in his life for the past decade was about to die alongside his only friend.

Frank might have thought it first but it was Liv that said, "Do you want to move in here for a...while?" Liv added, nervously from the kitchen, "You can say no. I know it's a LOT to ask and totally against anything we discussed before but this isn't before. I'm not proposing or anything but it might be nice to have the extra company while I can still enjoy it and then maybe some help later. You're my best friend, Frank, and I love you and I don't know who else to ask. I'm so sorry. I know that this is hard for you to decline but will also be hard for you if you say yes. It's not⸺"

Frank had used Liv's neverending question to close their distance. To him, what happened next was a hug. To her, it was the safest she had ever felt. Imminent death be damned. "Yes. I'd thought about it too but didn't want to make it weirder than things already are. I didn't want to blow it and then for you to not have me either. We'll figure it out. I'm here," They stood that way for what seemed like hours.

"I think we need another agreement," Liv finally said from somewhere inside of Frank's hug. They made the necessary changes but it wasn't the last time.

"I don't want you to unravel after I'm gone. I know a promise is no match for what you might face. I hate to be a doomsdayer but I am dying in my 30s afterall," Liv said.

"I'll do what I can but you know I can't promise either. You won't be here to see it if I fail?" Frank trailed.

"I'll know and will haunt your ass," Liv quickly replied.

Frank thought for a moment, "Mean ghost or friendly ghost?"

Liv glared and Frank had his answer.

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