Reaching Out

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Frank had been thumbing through the AA pamphlet for an hour trying not to do it. Liv had written her number on the back page, as had become routine for the regulars when the newly sober were present. He stared. Looked away. Again. 

"Fuck it," Frank surrendered as he entered Liv's number.

Frank didn't initiate socially. It wasn't his brand, but something was different this time. He was compelled to do so.  There were concerns that Liv would think he had ulterior motives in choosing her. Surely any one of the other aging men would be more suitable. Liv was at least 10 years younger than Frank and out of his league. Though his desire for her wasn't sexual. Frank had no need for that sort of thing anymore. Their shared moments in, and immediately following, that last meeting was all that he had. After many revisions, Frank hit "send" and began waiting nervously.

"Hey, it's Frank from the meeting. I've been thinking more about your speech," it read.

A minute later, "And?"

"I liked what you had to say. I feel the same and that doesn't happen often," Frank replied.

"Glad I could help then?" Liv replied.

"Sure. Would you feel comfortable meeting sometime to talk? I don't have many people that 'get it.'" Frank's hand shook under the weight of that one.

"We're talking now, aren't we?" Liv answered.

"I suppose. I'll take what I can get but I was hoping in person? You can name the place if that helps you feel safer," Frank suggested, wishing that he hadn't needed to say that last part.

"Maybe I'll be the one to stuff YOU into a van," Liv replied. She punctuated her text with two emojis-the crazy, smiley-face one and what appeared to be a large chef's knife.

"I've had worse meetings," replied Frank.

"Prairie City Cafe 1:00 tomorrow?" Liv suggested.

"See you then!" he replied, immediately regretting the exclamation mark. Frank felt as if he'd made a friend for the first time in years. His pulse raced with excitement despite having an entire day to breathe beforehand.

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