The Rules

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Liv & Frank continued to meet over the next few weeks. Each time they did, they stayed a little longer, laughed a little more and felt, most days, quite a lot better. At least when they didn't feel better, they didn't feel better together. Initially, there was no structure to their meetings, no t-shirts, no treasurer. They talked about whatever was on their mind or was pissing them off that day. Mostly, it was the 'whatever was pissing them off that day' part. Rants were their favorite, and the pair were consummate professionals in this realm. The one topic that always returned was their last meeting at, "that other dumb club." For as much as they had grown to enjoy each other, neither would ever measure up to a good day drunk. As a result, the cheat day idea had never completely left either's mind. 

"I bring to order the...errr...eleventh?" Frank guessed, "meeting of the Prairie City Social Club. We have important official business to discuss tonight. Please refrain from eating chocolate cupcakes until after all signatures are ⸺"

"That was one time!" interrupted Liv.

"Needless to say, our secretary should be cautious with our notes. They may well change lives. Time travelers will, and are likely present now, shoot through multiple wormholes to witness this historic event," Frank declared with zero reverence.

"Fine. I'll wait for chocolate but only if this is fast and only if the club President stops being an asshole," Liv replied with a playful smirk on her face. The papers were safe for now.

"Let's talk, 'Cheat Day.' It began and was always going to end with Cheat Day," admitted Frank.

"Hell yes! Where do we start?" Liv replied, nearly out of her seat. Frank was excited to see Liv's energy coming back around after a few down weeks.

"Rules. We need rules. Obviously, I won't be suing for breach of contract if you don't follow them. I just thought it'd be helpful for us to think through it. Highlight the main points. That sort of thing..."

"Frank, are you always this boring?" she asked damn well knowing the answer.

Frank replied with half a smile, a raised eyebrow and by tilting in, "We should start with defining our goals for this deal and then deciding what is and is not allowed."

It was not fast. Liv didn't wait. A few of the rules took minor damage from moist, chocolate cake crumbs. Liv & Frank were, eventually, happy with the results but it took until close that night to reach an agreement. In the following years, each had regularly attempted to amend their, "Cheat Day Constitution," as it were. Typically, amendments were overruled by the only remaining member when they were deemed, "too reckless" or simply, "stupid." On one or two occasions, they agreed to a change, and it was made. 

Liv's & Frank's Cheat Day "Constitution"

1-Each member of Prairie City Social Club is entitled to one day per calendar year in which they can consume alcoholic beverages of their choice. This day will be referred to as, "Cheat Day." The remainder of their year must be completely dry.

2-For safety reasons, each member's "Cheat Day" must be observed by another member.

3-Under no circumstances, may members take their "Cheat Day" together or within one month of one another.

4-Generally, the member taking their "Cheat Day" can make choices related to what and how much is drank but the non-drinking member has the authority to make "last call" (for safety purposes only). The participating member must respect this call regardless of their inebriated feelings at the time.

5-Either member can remove themselves from this agreement, at any time, if they believe they, or the other member, are at too great a risk to continue.

6-The drinking member is not permitted to drive during their "Cheat Day." The non-drinking member should offer transportation, as needed, and make all reasonable efforts to provide an enjoyable experience to the drinking member.

7-For the duration of this agreement, members must meet for check-ins at least monthly at Prairie City Cafe.

8-Following a "Cheat Day," a check-in meeting is required the following day and weekly for one month.

9-The drinking member should not feel obligated to apologize for their behavior on a "Cheat Day." The non-drinking member should extend grace as it will be returned.

10-Rules can only be changed at official PCSC meetings with full agreement of the club.

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