Who's first?

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Upon waking the following morning, neither could resist the urge to know more. However, it was Frank that acted first. His text read, "Are we really doing this?" His hands trembled as he typed and then some more as he waited.

Liv's text notification arrived as she was typing, more-or less, the same message to Frank. "I guess we are," Liv replied. "Coffee?"

It took two coffees and a muffin a piece to decide who would go first. Frank made some convincing arguments for himself. He had been Sober for longer and, being an older male, stood a greater chance of dying before his first turn. That would be a real kick in the ass each agreed. Similarly, Frank argued against himself because, honestly, he was scared. He'd spent years convincing himself that he didn't want this. That he couldn't have this. That he'd die. Liv, similarly, made arguments for and against herself. She was, with few exceptions, the better debater of the two. In the end, it wasn't Frank's age or Liv's power of persuasion that decided for them. It was an occasion. The very next month, Liv's high school sweetheart, and her absolute least favorite cousin were getting married to one another. Liv was invited and Frank would be her plus one.

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