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I lent out a gentle hand for the young girl still afraid.

She hesitantly looked up at me with the same scared eyes but reluctantly reached her hands towards mine.

I smiled and gently held her hand.

Jungkook: "What are you doing out here?"

I spoke out as gently as I could, she seemed more reluctant to grip my hand now.

It was then when I realized all the bandages and burn wounds. It stung my heart to know how much pain this little girl has been through.

She looked towards the right of the hallway, towards the nursery.

I smiled and led her to the nursery. She followed besides me tapping with her tiny foot steps.

I pushed open the nursery and was greeted by Y/N.

She sat in the rocking chair and read out a book for the rest of the kids.

I don't know why, but the sight cracked a smile on my face.

And time seemed to stop, even for a little while.

I watched as Y/N greeted the small kid that was besides me just a moment ago. Her eyes followed where the kid was pointing and led to my eyes.

A smile formed on my face and I gestured for her to finish up.

I stepped out of the nursery and waited for Y/N to finish.

A/N: Please help me with the smaller details please TT, I don't remember much of the story past this point and there's at least 6 episodes worth of content that I don't remember! I want to finish the rest of the story! I'm not a writer! I cant write in as much emotion and as quickly >< please be patient with updates if any. I'll do whatever I can to write the rest of this story!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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