Chapter 4

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I had a dream.

The woods were so dark and I walked through it barefooted.
I stretched my arms out and tried to reach for a branch or something but I felt nothing in the dark.

I made several turns about and around and there was no tree.
Just utter darkness and bustling of branches which I could not see.
I took more steps forward and there were a set of eyes shining in the dark staring straight at me with no head.

Frightened,I ran through the dark as I held on tightly to hope.
Suddenly I heard a shriek from the direction of the eye.

Immediately there was light throughout the woods and instead of eyes there was a girl on thirteen or fourteen years lying on the ground eyes open and mouth wide open but saying nothing. It got clearer as I advanced.

I finally got almost close to her enough to see who she was when I found myself standing in a pond.
She was nowhere to be found.
Just water splattering over my feet.
Exhausted,I turned to return in disappointment.
When I turned my back on the pond I woke up in my own bed with a sudden jolt.

Then I woke up in my own bed.
Sweat engulfed my face as I realized it was just a dream.
It was not real and I was as safe as can be.
I began to wonder who the girl was.
Which woods was that?

That was a close shave.
I took in deep breaths as I took in everything. A lot had happened in a short while.

I got out of bed and I prepared to leave for Raven College.
Uncle Reynolds was awake that morning and I went to invite him to dinner.

My rich uncle was my favorite human.
I knocked on his door.
"Come on in",he said.
I walked into his room and let out a loud scream.
"Lukie my boy",he said.

I was happy to see him.
I ran across his carpet, causing a commotion and he didn't even care.

He hugged me tightly.
I had to remind my parents I was an older boy now but not Uncle Reynolds.
He thought I was his snuggly bear and I didn't mind.
He showered me with gifts.

He brought out African beads and dresses just for me.
I really loved trying them on.

He also had my favourite popsicle in the freezer waiting for my arrival.
Did I lick those!

"From South Africa I went to Mali. Lord the cows.
You should have seen them majestic creatures.
Mali is underestimated.These people sat me down and told me thier history for hours and I mean they are the most hospitable people I have ever seen. The food was so delicious.
The skin colour is my first fascination.
I was very happy seeing people who had direct contact with my ancestors".
He said.

He even visited a Museum and zoo.
He took pictures with a Zebra and a lion.
How he did that nobody knows.
My genius Uncle Reynolds.

After Breakfast he dropped me of at Raven. At the screech of the car everyone was out of thier apartments just to see me.
It was obvious they were waiting for my arrival and this i couldn't understand.

What was so special about me?
These ladies were not ready to make me have some peace ever.

Uncle smiled knowingly as we pulled up on the compound.
His nephew was a star.

"See you my boy",he said as he waved me goodbye.
I know it was going to be a long day.

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Is Jacob a pleasant character?

Xoxo 😘

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