Kamado, Tanjiro

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I then promptly passed out again because ain't no way was my body gonna be convinced that I saw the kamados.

'ok ok ok calm the fuck down y/n' I thought to myself as i felt myself floating in the darkness.

'alright I think I got a plan, I've got to confirm that I really did see the kamados and they aren't cosplayers but if they are maybe I can do something'

Due to being bored practically all the time, I've always had time to think about the most random things, and after reading demon slayer fanfiction I actually used to think about what I would do if I got sent to the kny world.

but of course, I can't hype myself too much I need to check if I really am, because if they really are cosplayers where the hell am I and wouldn't they just take me to the hospital?
oh well.

I felt myself coming round to consciousness and this time I forced myself to crack my eyes open
'the flip why aren't my eyes crusty? anime magic?' I thought as I mentally snickered to myself.

my vision focused and unfocused as I stared up at a wooden ceiling.

'huh, this really must be old fashioned' I thought as I darted my eyes around, my body was refusing to move so using only my eyes I looked around.

I spotted a bucket with a cloth maybe that was what I heard earlier,

'hm? who's that?' I thought as my head turned gently to a figure folding what seemed to look like a variety of the same blankets on me, the sound of the pillow made the figure to look up at me and open their mouth in surprise as they quickly got up from their crouched position and quickly make their way to my what I assumed I was on a futon of some kind because I was practically at ground level.

But as they came close I could see it was a male but surprisingly the nearer he came he did so cautiously not out of fear that I'd jump him like some crack addict from the ends,

but almost as if he was making sure that I didn't get scared of him, soon when he came into the reach of the soft candle light I recognized the green and maroon checkered haori and burgundy hair and eyes.

'ooooooh shit I am not ready'
i forced myself to calm down and look at him neutrally but not to the point that it looked stoic but not to the point that i looked clinically obbsessive.

As , who I assumed to be Tanjiro, crouched and sat near me I heard him say,
"Can you sit up?"

'HOLYLJDHDJD oh my god his voice
sounds exactly like the real Tanjiro no way could this actually be..'

'wait whathefuck how do i know hes speaking japanese but i understand? (ignore if u alr know japanese) It was like a dream, like when you just KNEW things with no reason.'

I nodded gently my neck seemed stiff
as I shuffled to a sitting position, he held his hands out just in case I fell back or something. ugh, what a cutie patootie.

But as I was sitting up I started thinking
'huh, he looks so realistic but still animated wait what dimension is he?'- nevermind this is confusing

"what's your name?"
the question brought me out of my crowded thoughts and I looked at him again, ugh his eyes were so kind.

"sorry but could you tell me yours first."
I need to see number one, what his name was.
number two, if this really was Japan I need to know what order I say my name in.

"oh I see that fine," he smiled kind, his voice was soft and gentle, "my name is Kamado, Tanjiro."

'what the heelllll,'  i sang in my head.

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