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♪I've been having dreams. Jumping on the trampoline.
Trip and I fall in.♪

Skyler looked back up. "This is fake!" Just as she said that Marcus appeared. "Marcus you damn idiot! You scared me!" Skyler said as she jumped.

"Jessica killed your parents? How did you make it to school?" "What?" He asked. He was obviously convinced he framed Mylo not her. "No, uh Mylo did I thought?" "Did you see it?"

"Uh..." "Leave him alone he's probably traumatized!" Marcus went silent after Skyler said that. He then slowly backed away. "Sus..." "He probably did it." "Skyler!" "What!?" "Why are you like this?"

"I mean think about it though!"

He nodded. It actually did seem to make more sense.

"Can you find Rowan?" "No, we need the whole entire group for this!" "But that would include Ginny and Liam!"

Oliver placed his hand on her shoulder. "Ok, I get it they suck but we can't keep this to ourselves." "We already aren't, it's on the news everyone can see!" She hissed. He patted her shoulder. "Mhm... Forgot about that."

"Also number one mistake! Marcus probably killed them, like I said! We just need to find some kind of proof!"

Oliver nodded. "He could come for us next!" Oliver listened to her rant. "You probably made a death wish at this point!" "Ok, ok stop talking." She raised her eyebrows.

"We need proof you said?" "Y-yes!" "Get the group together and record him killing someone." "Are we stalking h or using someone as bait?" "Would you just stop interrupting?"

She nodded. Oliver pointed at his phone. "No bait wait for him naturally get tense and go after yet again." "We don't know what caused him to kill them!"

"I feel horrible for saying our friend might be killer, but out of us four he would be the one."

*Suddenly the bell rang*

"I'll talk to after class." "Isn't Rowan in your second hour." "Yes! She is." His eyes widened.

"Hold that thought!" Oliver ran to class.

He sat down in his seat, next to Rowan. He said breathlessly, "Have you... Seen... The news...?"

"Uh, no I don't really watch it, why?" "Focus, Mr. Greene and Mrs. Kingston!" The teacher said before going back to teaching.

"Meet up with Skyler and I after class." She nodded.

After class:

"Guys, what's going on?" Skyler looked at Oliver. "I-I mean it's r-really uh, really n-not that bad t-to-to say!" Skyler raise her eyebrows.

"Jessica is in jail, and Marcus probably framed her!" He said quickly. "Woah, slow down, what!?" "At lunch pretend this conversation didn't ever exist!"

Rowan eyed them."Are you trying to prank me?" Oliver turns on his phone again. "Ok, yeah gaslight me!" He shoved the phone into her face.

"Teenager Jessica Wilson is accused of murder, oh, oh!" She widened her eyes. "Marcus was there." "He's acting weird, but we don't want to like, y'know accuse him."

"You already are-?" "We're looking for proof!"

At Lunch:

"Is there something we need to talk about-?" "Nope!" "Nothing... At all!" Marcus eyed them.

The three of them quickly ate their food. Oliver shot a glance at Skyler.

Rowan looked towards where Marcus was. He had grabbed his tray got up and left. "Wait, what, where?"

Oliver's face turned pale yet again. "There was another spotted murder!" "Wh-who?" "It was Ashton..." "What!?" "His mother found him dead in his room."

Rowan slowly turned her head. "When was it assumed he was dead?" "At 8:57." "I saw Marcus at that time, maybe it was someone else!"

Gears started turning in their heads. "That just changed everything." Oliver nodded.

"That makes no sense!" "It ruins every single bit of proof we had!" "Which was nothing, we're still starting on a clean slate." Skyler corrected.

Oliver and Rowan nodded.

"Now to destroy whoever framed Jessica."

*Bell rings*

"Huh?" "Nothing, I've got to go!"

Skyler quickly ran away from them. As she walked to science class she wrote something on a sticky note. She slammed it on Marcus's desk as she entered.

"Damn, your girl looks hot when she's pissed!" "She's not my girl-" "Is she perhaps poly or sum-" "God Dammit, shut up and let me read."

He glanced at her when he finished reading the note. A girl went and sat next to her. "Sorry, I never show up on the first day!" "No, that's on, uh, I'm Skyler!" "Ines!" They shook hands.

"Dude, Marcus what did the note say!?" "Doesn't matter, she fell for my trap." He looked back her talking to Ines. "Lunch will be even better tomorrow."

"Are you talking about your brother now or-" "Would you shut up?" The guy next to him stopped talking.

Oliver looked at the empty spot where Jessica would've been.

"Hey Mr. Papi!" Oliver turned around, yet he knew who he was listening too. "I see your girlfriend isn't here today, would you like flirt with me some more!" He teased. Ll"If you want to be gay just have sex with the gym teacher."

Dumfounded, yet again the boy walked away.

"I will find who framed her..."
He closed his fist and looked up.

"They won't ruin her."

OH NO!!! Is the friend group gonna split??? What did Skyler write on the note? What trap did she "fall" for!?!?

Why is everyone so upset and... Different?


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