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by cbclaire and 267 others

come support Hopkins girls basketball  first home game tonight @ 8! 💞

azzzzifd girl you're such a qt 😘
vvsvaeh omg that's coming from you 🤭
   ↳ pbuckets @ azzzzifd why are you making nevaeh big headed 😟
          ↳ vvsvaeh @ pbuckets stop hating Paige 😒

cbclaire that pic took us 10 minutes to take 😭
vvsvaeh fr! samantha kept dropping her ribbon 🤦🏽‍♀️

jacobjj will you be my gf 😏
vvsvaeh for like the 70th time no...
   ↳ cbclaire @ jacobjj eww back off

mmems will be there tonight!
vvsvaeh yay!!


paige and nevaeh have hated each other since kindergarten. paige thought nevaeh was too girly and nevaeh thought paige was too boy like. this was a bummer for their moms, who had been best friends since they were in middle school and hoped that their daughters would be bestfriends too.

nevaeh was currently with her best friend, claire. her and claire had been besties since they were in diapers.

they were currently in the grass playing with Barbie dolls, because it was recess time.

"omg barbie have you seen raquel's youtube video!?" claire said in a doll like voice.

"what? no! what did she post sasha?"

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