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by azzzifudd and 759 others

spent the whole day with this idiot and she won all her games in good fashion 😛


pbuckets i look so good 🫦
vvsvaeh whatever helps you sleep at night honey ☺️
xojamie you guys are such a cute couple!
          pbuckets @xojamie thanks 😉

azzzifudd paige bagged the bag with this one yall 😍
  vvsvaeh ikr 🤭

cbclaire miss you bookie 💔
  vvsvaeh i miss you more honey bun 💔
       nkaml @cbclaire what about me 😕
           cbclaire @nkaml i miss you too bub 💕
                vvsvaeh again. not in my comments.

user891247 so you found someone new?
   vvsvaeh i'm sorry? 😅

user981247 i miss you vaeh.

i keep getting these weird comments from the same random user. i don't know who it is but i'm going to shrug it off until i see something wrong.

i actually enjoyed myself with paige and her team today. i had so much fun cheering them on and we even played little games in between the games. i'm growing to be ok when i'm around paige.

we're now pulling into the parking lot of the school and everyone is grabbing their things, ready to get off the bus.

"get out paige! i'm ready to go!" i whine.

"ok, ok, let me grab my stuff."

she grabs her bag and her blanket finally stepping aside.

"ladies first." she says with a smile.

"how sweet of you." i giggle.

i walk down the aisle and off the bus, giving a small bye to her coach on the way out. i'm shocked he was so chill about me tagging along.

"bye nevaeh!" azzi says getting in her car.

"bye!" i wave.

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