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it's been really weird between come and caitlin. a week has gone by and in practice we won't talk to each other. caitlin tried to talk to me at first, but i refuse. caitlin made a really nasty comment towards nevaeh and it just didn't sit right with me. i didn't tell nevaeh about it, which i probably should have, but i don't know how she would feel if i told her.

i'm currently sitting with my mom watching our favorite show, pretty little liars as i eat breakfast before school. at first i thought it was crappy, but i got hooked and ever since i've been watching it with my mom.

i'm then snapped out my thoughts when my mom calls my name.



"what's on your mind sweetheart." she says softly.

i sit up on my stool and pout.

"can i be honest?"

i know i can tell my mom anything. she's my number one supporter and we're like best friends. but the thing is i try to hold whatever is going on inside and i don't always realize i can talk to my mom.

"of course." she smiles.

"ok, but it's a lot.."

"just spit it out won't you!"

"ok! so about two weeks ago i was at a party to celebrate the season opener and nevaeh asked me to pretend i was her girlfriend to get a guy that was harassing her to leave her alone and we ended up kissing and then a rumor went around that we were dating so we've been fake dating ever since and she makes my heart melt, but i'm supposed to hate her, but i know i've never really hated her and i just can't understand why i feel the way i do and why i'm so jealous about this new girl she's hanging with and i just want to understand how i feel and-"

"aw my baby is finally hanging out with my besties baby!" she coos.


"im sorry! but what i'm getting at is, you have feelings for her." she grins.

i burst out laughing.

"no i don't...right? i mean...holy love of god, maybe i do." i say with wide eyes.

i mean that would explain the jealousy, the flirting, and the butterflies in my stomach.

my mom only laughs and rests her elbows on the island.

"but she would never like me back. she's the one who made us make a whole contract!"

"ouch that stings." she hisses.

"but do you show a liking towards her?"

i think for a second. besides flirting i don't say or so much.

"not really..."

"well then she'll never know dumbo!"

"i'm sorry!"

"goodness gracious i thought i taught you more rizz than that."

we both silently stare at each other before i break into a laughing fit.

"please never say that again."

my mom laughs light heartily and places her cup of coffee in the sink.

"but to fix your girl troubles, i would try to show some romantic gestures. say a few kind words. but no cringey teenage flirting."

"oh please, i got this." i say confidently.

"yeah, yeah, sure you do. now get out of my house you have school!"

i grown and pick up my backpack and grab my car keys.

You're Not So Bad  ☆ Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now