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it's game day! i'm so excited! game day s are always the best days. they're fun and care and drama free. emphasis on drama free. it's the one day were everyone can come together and support our teams. the boys are actually pretty good too, even though the girls are in the the spotlight, but don't get me wrong, it is well deserved.

today is also caitlin's official first day. i decided i'd stick with her for the day and maybe hang with claire later on. i mean we'll be together all evening anyway, so i'm sure she'll be fine with me hanging with caitlin. as for paige we haven't really talked since yesterday.

i decided to take my own car to school today. when I get to school i'm greeted by a very smiley paige.

"hi nevaeh!"

i try to act as if i don't want to talk to her but i break into a smile. paige just has that energy and her smile makes you want to smile.

"hi paige."

"guess what today is!"

i know what today is but she looks eager to tell me so i'll pretend i don't.

"it's game day!!"

she begins jumping around like a little kid.

"we're only half way through the season and everyone is betting on us beating wayzata in the championship."

"yeah?" i say amused.

how she has so much energy this early in the morning is beyond me.

"yup and now caitlin's here and i get to play with one of my bbfs!"

"you mean bffs?"

"no silly, best-basketball-friend. bbf" she rolls her eyes.

the sassy masc apocalypse is upon us...

we walk through the halls to what i assume is paige's class because my class is downstairs on the other end of the school. paige continues to ramble about caitlin and i find it cute the she admires someone other than herself and kobe bryant. i learn that caitlin and paige met at the tryouts for team USA their sophomore year and ever since they've clicked. paige said they're good friends but not best friends.

all this talk about caitlin makes me think about her myself. caitlin was fairly attractive. her long dark silky hair and strong arms were a real turn on.

i wonder how paige would feel if i decided to get with caitlin, but then i stop myself. why should i care? i've known caitlin for two seconds and paige's feelings don't matter to me. i have no feelings for her...

"nevaeh!" paige says, waving her hands in my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"we're at my class now, so you can go." she leans back on the door frame in a way that makes me feel weird.

i feel my cheeks burn and paige begins to smirk.

"o-ok, well i'll uh... see you later." i wave awkwardly.

i turn around to walk away, but paige grabs my waist and spins me around.

"just one more thing before you go."
she whispers looking down at me.

she leans down and kisses my forehead. i stand there stunned as my heart beat speeds up.

"catch you later cutie." she winks before entering her class.

my feet are planted to the ground due to shock. paige just kissed my forhead. is that breaking a rule? i don't think so. but why would she-


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