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it is now the next morning and claire is driving us to school. it's friday so the weekend is almost here, thank god.


"so?" i ask confused.

"there's a rumor going around." she continues.

"and i know it's not true unless you've been lying to me." she says, making me furrow my brows.

"what rumor?"

"you and paige being a...you know...couple."

i burst out laughing.

"that's crazy, what makes you say that?"

"uh maybe the video of you two making out."

my jaw hits the floor.

"wait, what?"

"yeah, theres a video of you two from last night."

"what? lemme see."

i grab her phone and out of the cup holder, putting in her password.

"go to jamie's gossip page on insta." she tells me, not taking her eyes off the road.

i got to jamie's instagram and open her profile. she's the biggest gossip in the school so of course it'd be there.

there it was in my face. how did she even get a video? and why did it have 3,000 views!?

"oh my god!?"

"yeah...you guys were really going at it and paige was all over you and her hand placement-"

"stop, please stop talking." i beg her, embarrassed.

"sorry." she laughs.

i scroll through the comments and everyone from our school commented. most people were saying we're a cute couple, and the rest were either pissed or sad that paige was "taken".

"but seriously what was that?"

i groan, putting her phone back in the cup holder.

"i was tired of jacob harassing me to go on a date with, so i said i had a girlfriend and then paige covered for me and then we kissed, because he wasn't buying it."

i look over to see her holding in her laughter.

"stop it's not funny!" i whine, making her burst out laughing.

"yes it is. imagine being that desperate you make out with the girl you've hated since kindergarten."

"yeah well I'm not ashamed about it! at least jacob will leave me alone now." i huff grabbing my backpack from the back seat.

she parks the car and we get out, walking on campus. immediately i notice all eyes are on me. girls and guys whispering to each other as i walk through the giant arched doors.

i keep my head up and ignore all the murmuring as i make my way to my locker, when a group or girls stop me.

"omg you and paige are literally such a cute couple."

"literally you guys are so in love it's cute."

"i...uh-" i begin to speak but claire cuts me off.

"she has a lot to do, but thank you for the compliments!" she quickly drags me off before the girls can say anything else.

"this is crazy.." i breath out.

"just talk to paige about it and get it sorted out, you're all good."

You're Not So Bad  ☆ Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now