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i'm sat in first period history bored out of my mind when i hear my name called on the loud speaker.

"nevaeh williams to the principals office please." the front desk lady calls.

all eyes make their way to me and i awkwardly stand up walking out of the classroom. when i walk into the principal's office, he is sat with a warm smile on his face along with paige sitting in front of him. i feel my heartbeat quicken as i look at paige. her hair is down and she's wearing a cropped tank with a plain black zip up and ripped blue jeans. she has very light makeup on, her mascara complimenting her blue eyes.

"hello nevaeh." he says, waking me out of my thoughts.

"hello principal davis." i smile, sitting down next to paige.

"i just so happened to catch paige coming late to school and i realized i needed to speak to you both."

typical paige. she's only ever on time if it's for basketball.

"it was brought to my attention that the two of you were in the janitors closet last friday and i'm not accusing you two of anything but there have been...rumors and-"

hold the damn phone. i will actually never speak to paige again if i'm getting in trouble right now. i haven't gotten in trouble since the second grade!

"i can assure you sir nothing happened in the janitors closet." paige says calmly.

it's good that she's so calm because i'm freaking out! how does he know that we were in the janitors closet and what does he mean by rumors!? 

"then do you care to tell me what happened?"

"we were simply having a chat."

"is that so?" he questions raising a brow.


he eyes both of us through his glasses and sighs.

"very well then. i have no reason to suspect that you two are lying. but stay out of the janitors closet please?"

"yes sir." we both say.

really? just like that we're off the hook? i mean i'm not complaining, but wow. we both stand up to leave when mr. davis stops me.

"i need you you stay nevaeh."

paige looks at me, giving me a little thumbs up and a crooked smile, before disappearing into the hallway. for some odd reason paiges smile actually makes me feel at ease.

"am i in trouble? i promise i'm a good student and i would never-"

"i know nevaeh, you're the only student ambassador from the senior class, so to answer your question, no you're not in trouble." he chuckles.

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in and sighed. 

"so why am i here?"

"as student ambassador, you're responsible for welcoming new students and due to a few mistakes made by staff you will be having a student shadow you today, but her first is tomorrow rather than next week."

my mouth forms and o shape and i nod. normally when we have students shadow us for a day their first day of school is normally between a week and a month later.

"what's her name?"

"caitlin clark. she's coming here from iowa and her mom tells us she's good friends with paige and azzi, but it's good to know more people outside of your circle." he states.

i nod again, taking in this information. right next to paige, caitlin is one of the top recruits in our class so of course i know who she is. i think it's actually pretty cool i get to meet her and i'll be going to school with the top 2 recruits everyday.

You're Not So Bad  ☆ Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now