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i woke up feeling a strong heavy arm wrapped around my waist and a warm body laying close behind me. i immediately identify the body as paige's and i struggle to flip over to look at her due to her hold around my waist. i lay my head on my hands and watch as paige sleeps contently. she looks so peaceful. when she's awake she's the life of the party and a ball of energy. her blonde strands fall astray over her face and her plump pink lips part slightly as she snores softly. it wasn't a loud irritating snore but an oddly cute one. paige seems oddly more attractive when she is asleep rather than when she's awake.

suddenly she smirks, letting me know she's awake. and i feel my face heat up.

"morning, babe." She whispers, her voice raspy .

i feel my heart beat quicken and o push her away. you've got to be kidding me! why do i feel like this? i groan and roll of her bed and onto the ground.

"chill, i'm just joking nevaeh." she says in a way that always makes me stop being mad at her.

she sits up and grabs her phone off her night stand, checking the time.

"shit!" she panics.


"it's already 7, we need to be at the school by 7:30!"

she hops up and begins throwing her stuff all around her room, stuffing her jerseys and gear into her sports bag.

i awkwardly stand as she continues to frantically take off her clothes. my eyes go wide and i turn around, heading for the bathroom.

"warn me next time, jesus!"

"don't say the lords name in vein again babe." she teases down the hallway.

as i open the closet door to get a face a towel and a toothbrush i run into paige's mom.

"nevaeh! what are you doing here." she says squeezing me in a hug.

"i came over last night because me and my mom got into an argument." i tell her honestly. i couldn't lie to the woman who changed my diapers growing up!

she pouts and rubs my arm.

"what happened this time?"

she's aware of the fact that my mom and I often argue.

"she went crazy about her reputation and my grades again."

"my goodness! rachelle has always been hot headed." she shakes her head.

"i'll be sure to shoot her a text, but you should talk to her too."

"thank you, i will but i should really get going, i'm going to paige's basketball tournament."

"oh how lovely! are you riding with the team?"

"sadly yes."

"well i don't want to keep you waiting, get to it!"

i shower and brush my teeth and wrap my towel around my body. i again have to borrow Paige's clothes because i forgot my own. she gives me a pair of grey sweats and a hopkins basketball hoodie.

her mom sends us off with snacks and when we get the school everyone is already on the bus.

"hurry p, we gotta go!" amaya hollers from the window.

paige locks her car door and grabs my hand, dragging me to the back of the bus.

her teammates giggle and make ooos as we sit down next to each other near the back.

You're Not So Bad  ☆ Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now