Chapter 9

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I walked into the gym and one of the vampires that were practicing stopped. Soon one by one started to stare as though they wanted to know why I was here. Some nod their heads while others stared at me curiously. I gave a shy wave as I joined Batou in the exercise mat for martial arts lessons. After a few minutes he got upset that I was pulling my punches. So he scold me for being soft. I whined that he is like my uncle and I am afraid that I would hurt him. He asked me how I will keep the rest of my gifts a secret if I refused to fight. I was happy to remember my connection to Batou. My memories were returning so it was an incredible feeling even if a little bit had returned. Batou smiled, "My memories haunt me all the time. Sometimes it is a blessing to forget" He smiled for a moment and sternly ordered me to attack him. So I made a face as I tried again. I was on the floor before I knew it. Angus came forth to switch places. I saw him I remembered who he was. I reminded him that I raised him like a son so I will have trouble fighting him even more than Batou. He asked me to pretend that he has done something bad. I can pretend that I am here to discipline him in a manner. I gave it a try and he was face down in the mat before he had managed to do anything. He laughed as he recalled the day he came home at one in the morning. I had made him do all the dishes, clean all the bathrooms as I called the school to tell them he was sick. Not to mention I had him home schooled for three weeks straight till he gave me a satisfactory apology. I merrily laughed as he joined me a for moment. Then suddenly I was on the floor. He advised me to be careful around an opponent since they will try to distract me. I nod my head as I got up to kick his butt.

Batou got tired after a few hours and he asked me to change my looks to be how I was when I first changed into a hybrid. I stared at the mirror and wondered what I looked like and Angus offered me his hand. It was dripping blood. So I took a sip and saw what I actually looked like and stared at mirror for a moment. I changed my looks back to me again. I turned to see everyone in the property was there watching me fight. Some were pleased with my progress others looked like they prefer I was in the library reading a book. I blushed furiously and asked everyone to get back to work. They happily laughed at my request. When I turned around I saw that my hair had lengthen till it reached my waist. One of the werewolves commented that I looked adorable. Jasper admired me for a moment and he went back to using the punching bag. I wanted to follow him but a hand grabbed me. I said I needed a second.

Batou reminded me that this could be an advantage to take down an enemy since they will underestimate me. So the next few hours was spent boxing and then weapons training. I had mastered all of it. Batou said it was time to hand me a gun. I retorted that had he said that in front of mom when I was human walking on crutches and he was a cop then he would most certainly be in handcuffs. My mom would personally slap the cuffs on him. He gave me a concerned look, "Trust me. I would cuff myself before your mother would. And she would beat me black and blue for it. You brother on the other hand would be overjoyed that you are learning what he calls real skills." He stopped for a moment and apologized, "I am sorry I had forgotten that he was the one that shot her point blank in the face" I wanted to say something but the memory flashed before me like a freight train. I kept telling people that my half brother had killed her because I had read in my diary but still remembering it was another thing completely. I wish that memory had stayed forgotten. I hugged Batou and cried. He comforted me till Annie came over to tell me that the military had arrived to take us to the front.

The front was a huge wall that was fortified with flame throwers and machine guns. I got on top to see that those things were attacking a family trapped in a car. I was going to say something when someone pushed me over board. I fell face first. The only thing that I can think of was I wish I can fly so I won't end up resembling scrambled eggs. I wished for it so hard that I swerved upwards and got back to the wall. I demanded to know who had the nerve to throw me down when I was trying to assess the situation I heard a scream and I saw that Strigoi had almost managed to rip the car apart I jumped to save the family. I pulled the entire car and flew up in the air. When I got to a certain height Batou's brother Parker shot the Strigois that were attached to the car. I flew them to safety.

When I got back up I asked one more time wanting to know who had the nerve to push me over the wall. No one claimed responsibility since they felt that I would throw them over board. I waved them off and wanted to ask for a megaphone but realized that I can fly. I flew and screamed at the same time. The heads of the Strigoi started to explode one by one. When they were all dead I came back to see that everyone was extremely happy. I saw the Indian guy and asked that he be removed. The others assured me that he has clearance and I asked to see it for verification. When I checked it I realized that he stole it from someone. He was hoping to hold on to it till he actually was given authority. He confessed that my guess was right. This infuriated a lot of people. He was escorted out and he kept saying that he has great ideas that he wishes to do. Nobody paid attention so he gave everyone a sour face before he was dragged off.

One of the people opened a manhole cover and I accidentally extended my senses. I sensed that the Strigoi were underground that was how they had grown in numbers. I screamed that trouble was down there and immediately a soldier pulled the guy out and covered the manhole. I took a UV bomb and dropped it into the manhole that had the most number of Strigoi that were slowly approaching to kill all us and closed it. There was a blinding light and screams were heard and ash began to rise. The werewolves talked to one another and decided that they need to make these to take those things down but the vampires were concerned that these guys might use it on them. So a deal was struck that when these things are killed then the UV bombs will be destroyed. The. one of the surviving Strigoi attacked a werewolf with silver and I screamed his head off. The werewolf was convulsing badly. So I ran to the house and got the antidote for the silver. I used it and he got up feeling a little bit better. He gave me a shaky smile as I looked around to see that the Strigoi seemed to have a bad reaction to silver as well. The vampires agreed to use silver bombs till all the Strigoi were dead and they too will destroy the silver nitrate bombs.

I heard an argument about a guy who swears his access pass was stolen. I looked around to see the Indian guy had snuck in again. So I tapped the shoulder of the nearest soldier and had him dragged over to the check points. They removed the access pass and check to see that it belonged to the guy that claims it was stolen. I made a simple suggestion. Take the creep's picture and pretend to check for clearance and say he doesn't have any. Then send him on his way or arrest him. The Sargent in charge made sure to do so. The man looked at me in a way to promise that he will be back. Next time there won't be anyone who will have the power to throw him out. I made sure to mention it. The Sargent asked me nicely if he is going to cause any problems. I smiled, "You will be court martialed" Batou shook his head, "More like the firing squad" The Sargent gave us both an angry look before he left to make a call to have him black listed.

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