Chapter 21

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I sat down by the bonfire and the others stared at me. I blushed when I saw Jasper's handsome smile. The others stared to chuckle as my face grew redder. This only made his smile grow even wider. He sat next to me as I ate a piece of grilled fish that the others had caught. The way they behaved made me believe that these guys were nomads. One guy kept thinking really hard as though he wanted to move things with his mind. I must have blurted it out since it made everyone laugh. Jasper laughed merrily as he explained the guy wanted access to my mind which he is unable to do. While they were able to access Jasper's mind freely. They were unable to access mine since I am not an Artic wolf and also since I had placed barriers to make sure only Jasper can get through. He smiled at me as I processed this information as I chewed on a bit of salmon.

The alpha broke the silence by asking me if I can sense the surroundings for bears and other threats. I know that we were close to native land so this will cause problems if they catch us. The last time I was in this area I had heard them say that they wanted to bleed my kind to become like us. I made sure that they are made aware so they were vigilant after they had finished eating.

I sensed the locals heading this way so I recommended that we go in a different direction since it would be better. If they find us then it could cause problems everytime they pass through here. The alpha wasn't looking for trouble so we left the cave and ran to the woods. There were a few tourists camping there. They saw us and greeted us with a smile. We kept walking till I saw a cave. I went inside to see the cavity was still there except the zombies were wiped out. I extended my senses and realized that there is a safe pathway. I was going to tell them but one of the wolves turned out to be a bad apple. So I apologized for dragging them to a dead end. We kept walking through the woods till we reached a cabin. There was a stream nearby but no humans were within sight. The only residents were birds and bugs.

I walked and so Jasper but the others made themselves comfortable outside. I cleaned the place in the blink of an eye. Jasper was impressed and so was the alpha. The man followed us in and I made it clear that I don't feel comfortable. He smiled at me as he observed me. I made it clear that if anything happens to Jasper I am not going to be here. I am going back Crown's Oasis. I am not going to be his wife or anything thing like it. He gave me a curious look but didn't push it. Jasper asked him if there was anything he needed since he wanted to alone with me. The guy gave him an disappointed look and walked out the door.

Jasper leaned the wall as I began to lay the sheets on the floor. I quickly ran to collect the logs to fill the fireplace. I managed to shove a few logs into the cavity before Jasper pulled me aside and worked on the igniting the logs. The fire took a while to warm the room. Jasper dug through the trunk and found a thick blanket. He wrapped it around me for good measure. He didn't feel cold at all. He opened the door and came back with firewood. He wasn't shivering or have frostbite or an indication of hypothermia. It looked like he was living in the summer or spring. I blurted this out and he smiled, "I feel the cold but it doesn't feel like it did when I was human or werewolf. They are called Artic wolf because they can withstand the extreme cold temperatures.  They have perfect sight even whiteouts."

I tapped him to remove the link and the alpha growled. He opened the door and demanded that I relink him now. I tapped the alpha on the shoulder and showed him the pain I will inflict on him if I can't have privacy with my husband. I made it clear that I am not trying to over throw him. He is alpha and he will remain that way till destiny decides otherwise. The man walked out to hear the laughter of the others. When the man left the house I showed Jasper more of my memories that he promised to never share with the others. He came to see me when he was certain he can keep things a secret.

We heard a noise so we had to leave. The others came to warn Jasper what they suspect. So I waited till Jasper was sure he can hide my memories before I relinked him with the others. The wolves began to run and I casually kept up with them. I realized that they are slower than me so it took effort to maintain their speed. When we stopped the alpha asked me to sit on Jasper since keeping up with them was a challenge. He felt that he was faster till I showed him why I was struggling. The others saw what I showed the alpha. The alpha's expression made Jasper laugh out loud. One of the youngest decided that we should race. I asked where we were going. I gave them a ten second head start. When they arrived I was already waiting for them with a roaring fire and grilled fish. The alpha accepted that I was faster than them. The others were grinning that I was on their side.

One of them made a comment about what would have happen of Jasper gets killed. I made it clear that I will return to the vampires. One of the others said that I should marry one of them. Jasper said that if he dies then I will marry his brother. He is the only one that will keep me safe from trouble. As far as the others were concerned they should treat me like I am just their baby sister. There was a slight protest but the alpha knew that I will never choose anyone else. So he enforced the law that I will be treated like a sister. He wanted to see the stuff I share with Jasper. But Jasper made it clear that he has been used before to spy on me. He was traumatized by what happened afterwards so he is not sharing anything with me.

One of the wolves blurted out that Jayden found Jasper and asked him to kill me. Jasper said that he doesn't want anything to do with Jayden and his plot to rule the world. Jasper made it clear that he will investigate the matter and see who deserves to be punished. He has decided that Jayden had lived long enough. He has hurt enough people. I opened my necklace and drew a little bit of blood while he was focused on Jayden. Jasper asked me later why I did it. I wanted to explain that when I meet the council I can show them what is really going on. Jasper made it clear that they will never let us be together. So I said that his blood is a keepsake for my peace of mind. This made him smile. I said it was a secret that will save us both from certain catastrophe. He thought I was being theatrical but finally decided that I was holding on to it as a sort of keepsake. I wanted to say more but I began to shiver as the wind picked up speed.

I asked him if I could go to Castle keep and get myself a fur coat. Jasper jumped upright. He roared his disdain of the place. He made it very clear that I am not to go there ever. I explained that I just wanted to be warm. It is winter and I am freezing. He saw that I was uncomfortable. He took a deep breath before he sat near me. He explained that all of my clothes have a tracker in them since I came back to DC. It is the nocturnal's way to keep an eye on me for my safety. They nearly lost me once they have no intentions to lose me again. I realized that I will have to learn how to adjust. A voice in my head asked me who the apex predator is. I changed into the hybrid. Surprisingly my body began to adjust to the cold and I was able to stay outside without the use of a coat. Jasper saw that I wasn't shivering and he turned into a wolf. He and I stood guard till the sun rose. Then it was our turn to sleep.

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