Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes to see that I was surrounded by my security. Armando asked me if I was ok. I asked for blood since I am was feeling weak. He extended his arm and I drank as much as I needed. I saw the most recent memories even the one where Roland had attempted to hit me to help me remember. I retracted my fangs and thanked him as I got up to see what was going on. I saw an army of intelligent zombies charging at everyone in the parking lot with chainsaws and knives. I asked my kind to stand behind me. The ones that were near me called out to the others to fall back. The military saw the vampires and werewolves that were flanking them started to make a tactical retreat so they kept asking at them why they are breaking ranks. One of them said that they were told that I had ordered a retreat. They are loyal to the queen so they obliged my request. The only ones that didn't move were the ones that had kidnapped Jasper.

When the last one was behind me. Igor tapped me on the shoulder and I took a few steps forward. I took a deep breath and screamed as loudly as possible. The zombies dropped whatever weapons they held and fell butt first or face first as they started to shake violently. From the corner of my eye I can see a man watching me with interest. He had an orange t-shirt on with a blue skinned man whose hair had a crescent moon on it. This man had three white horizontal lines drawn on his forehead and a single red vertical line. He smelled like urine. But I didn't care who it was because I will outsmart him. More intelligent people than him have tried to capture me and they have failed miserably. Who does this man think he is? A super computer?

The moment I was certain that their seizures will continue without my assistance. I ordered the ones that come with me to head straight to their respective vehicles. I ran till I reached the edge of the parking lot and jumped. As I almost reached the bottom I looked for an easy route away from here. I saw that the others driving by a van so I flew in that direction. I suppose it was out of fear for my personal safety I made myself invisible. I heard someone use swear word but wasn't interested in who as I made my escape. The vampires and werewolves drove as fast as they could to get away from the catastrophe. The military ran towards their respective vehicles too as the zombies started to rise. One of the bystanders near the scientist screamed as though the vermin began get up to continue their attempt to kill the men and women left behind. I realized that I happy that Jasper was going home safely. The reason they were swearing was because of the arrogant man that was so busy eyeing me that he had forgotten that zombies were attacking again. He wanted the soldiers to capture me but they had retaliated. I made sure there were no drones following us for good measure.

We reached the highway when I made myself visible and grabbed on to the car. Roland opened the door and I got in. I leaned against the window as the vampires drove me to my new home. It was a high rise in Washington DC. They called it Moonbeam. I was escorted upstairs and was asked nicely to stay here till they get me a new identity. The members of the council implored that I remain hidden so that I will not be captured. I walked up to the mirror and I made myself look older. I grew two feet taller and shortening the length of my hair as the color turned from dark red to platinum blonde. They gave me a satisfied look as freckles appeared on my face. I changed my eye color to ice blue as a finishing touch. My security stared at me with awe. One of them said, "Imagine if she had amnesia in disguise that we were not aware of then we would have never known it was her till much later." The council agree that I made the right decision to change my looks.

I was permitted to go about the city as long as I didn't attract trouble. So I changed my outfit and went to the library. I borrowed a children's book written in braille and sat on the steps to read it. My security smiled as I ran my fingers across the page. One man walked past me thinking I was blind till I looked at him directly and I think it was either Charlie or Byron of my new security detail that started to laugh as the man's face turned beet red. He turned around and almost slipped as he made his way up. I shook my head and continued to read. I opened my flask and drank the chocolate flavored beverage as I turned a page. I finally decided that I should return the book.

As I went upstairs a boy approached me and addressed as me Melody. I laughed, "Nice try buster. Not playing this game." I tried walked past him to reach the counter. But he seemed adamant about blocking my path. I gave him the death stare and forced him to move. He obliged immediately. Then he regretted doing it so he continuously harassed me. I held my tongue as I had a strong urge to rip him to pieces. He kept nagging till I reached the librarian. She was kind enough to notice that I was not comfortable with him so she sent him on his way. He knew better then to mess her. The weirdo kept looking back hoping that I would like him maybe but he wasn't my type.

I gave her the book and walked back to my car. When I got comfortable when the stalker came back again and knocked on the door. He tried to open the door so I held on to it. But Jasper locked the door so he couldn't open it. After five attempts to open the door he tried to smash it. A policeman saw this and he arrested and taken into custody. The officer talked to Mason my new head of security who explained the situation as I pretended to be scared. The others felt that my safety was compromised so I was escorted to a different high rise called Raincrest. I was escorted to the penthouse called Castle Keep where I was asked to remain while they figure out exactly how they will deal with this deranged kid.

One of the werewolves that I had rescued sat next to me. He introduced himself as Isaac. He watched me intensely and walked out of the room. Both humans and immortals sat to talk about my safety. The humans came up with an idea where I would become someone's ward. Based on my appearance they decided that I should be the ward of council member Milo or one of the humans. After a few hours of chatting I put my foot down and picked a vampire named Tanis. Since I was willing to pretend to be someone else they didn't prolong the argument. I was happy it wasn't Jasper. Jasper was completely silent as Roland teased him badly. I walked past him and he kept his expression neutral. I gave him a smile and his face lit up like a fireworks display.

Tanis asked me to stay away from Jasper since he has a plan to have me married to some idiot for his political gain. I smiled as I walked out and had him switched with Mia. He was upset but he knew not to argue. He did protest as I declared Jasper my consort. He was livid till he was told that he had no right to decide who I will be with. Jasper happily accepted my proposal as I sat down to decide what my identity will be. I decided to be someone who looks like she is going to college. I made sure that Jasper's cover was my boyfriend. He happily moved into an apartment with me.

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