Chapter 31: Chevalier Noir Part 1

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(Three Days Later)

Literally right after Jim had made his challenge to Draal, things over on Marinette's end had turned chaotic with Mylene's akumtization into Horrificator. To put it simply, the movie that Nino had roped his classmates into making had been triggering to Mylene's, a member of Marinette's friend group and lead female of Nino's movie, many fears, giving Chloé the perfect opportunity to torment the poor girl. Despite the class's attempts to let Mylene keep the lead role, which included Alya suggesting Marinette filling in for Mylene until she calmed down, Chloé kept making advances to take her place to steal a kiss, a little tweak Nino had made to the script, from the male lead, who just happened to be Adrien. But their whole afternoon soon turned into a real life horror movie when Horificator appeared and took the whole school building captive and trapped all who were still inside with a wall of indestructible goo.

When Marinette and Adrien managed to slip away and defeat the villain, things returned to normal, even if the next day Nino's filming of the entire battle to submit as his movie had failed to make the cut to enter the film competition. But after defeating another akuma a mere three days after Horificator, Marinette had more pressing things on her mind as she entered her room, still transformed as Ladybug, through the trapdoor.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir have saved Paris yet again!" Nadja reported from Marinette's computer as the girl transformed back into her civilian self, plopping down into her desk chair.

"And yet again, Marinette hopes that she'll finally have enough time to complete her 'Magic Box'." Marinette narrated out loud as she quickly grabbed a pink half-circle shaped box from underneath her desk. Once she placed it on her desktop, and popped the lid of it open, she reached for a screwdriver and wrench to begin frantically tinkering the inside of the box.

"What exactly is this so-called 'Magic Box', Marinette?" Tikki asked as she floated next to Marinette, who finished tinkering inside the box and turned to look at her kwami.

"To lock up my diary and important secrets." Marinette explained before she went back to tinkering with the inside of the box, sans the wrench and screwdriver.

"Wait a minute! You're telling me that you have written every secret you have in that little book?!" Tikki worriedly questioned as Marinette finished tinkering with the inner workings of the 'Magic Box'.

"Yes, of course. Why?" Marinette confirmed before she tested the box's lid hinges a few times.

"Well for one, considering that you write every one of your secrets in your diary, what if someone finds out your brother is the Trollhunter!?" Tikki pointed out as Marinette placed the box back onto her desk and reached for her coveted diary.

"Second and worst of all, what if someone finds out you're Ladybug!?" Tikki worriedly exclaimed as she sat down on the top of the open lid of the 'Magic Box' while Marinette gently placed the diary inside.

"Which is why I made the 'Magic Box' to begin with." Marinette admitted with a confident smile as she placed her arms on her desk as she addressed her worried kwami. "Try it Tikki." the designer challenged. Tikki quickly accepted said challenge, and flew down to the open box to try and take the diary. But when she tried to lift the book, the lid slammed down and locked Tikki inside.

"Hey!" Tikki exclaimed, her shout muffled from being locked inside the box.

"IT WORKS!!" Marinette exclaimed in accomplishment, holding the key she made to unlock the box in her left hand so she could let Tikki out.

"Yesterday, Mr. Bourgeois was re-elected as mayor of Paris for the fourth consecutive term." Nadja reports from Marinette's computer as she unlocked the box to free Tikki, before turning to face the news broadcast playing on her monitor. "Here we see Mr. Bourgeois with his daughter," the reporter announces as the screen shifts to show Mayor Bourgeois and Chloé as they waved to the paparazzi, much to Marinette's annoyance.

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