chapter 6: ...from heaven...

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jesus: "oh jeez i totally forgot that, i'm so sorry! i'm sorry, stanley. i'm really sorry. none of you guys deserved it, especially kyle"
stan: "we actually.. wanted to ask you if you could open a portal to heaven for us so we can go and search for kyle's soul and take him back here, to the living world. is that.. possible?"
jesus: *thinking* "oh jesus!"
jesus: "listen here, kids. this is quite embarrassing for me to tell you but.. i cannot do it without my father's permission. the only thing you can do if you want this to happen.. is pray to my father for help"
stan: *praying silently* "hello, god. it's-it's me. stan marsh, just a 14 years old boy like many others in the world.. but i seriously need your help now, more than i ever did before. could you please help me..?"

stan didn't even have time to finish his prayer that a strong white light appeared in front of them. it was god.

god: "hello stanley. how may i help you?"
stan: "don't you.. know everything?"
god: "ohohoh i sure do, but i prefer to hear it from you"
stan: "my.. my best friend-"
cartman: "boyfriend*"
stan: "MY BEST FRIEND.. died almost a week ago. i can't live without him anymore. everyday just gets worse because i miss him more and more every hour. i was wondering, is it possible to go to have him back?"
god: "as you know, little one, i did this only twice before"
stan: "yeah, but has anyone else ever asked you to do this?"
god: "hmm... actually not. you've been the first one to believe that this would be possible. every other human takes death's irreversibility for granted. let me think about it.. and, as you know, faith is really important in my religion. so, yes, to demonstrate the importance of faith i'll open the portal to heaven"

god created a big light in the room, brighter than everything else the 3 boys had ever seen in their lives; after the light emanated from god's appereance, of course.

god: "now you just have to enter it and you'll reach heaven."
cartman: "how will we know where to go, once there??"
god: "oh, don't worry! kenny knows the way!"

stan and cartman looked at kenny, confused

kenny: "what?? i told you a milion times that i've already been there!"
god: "now, go, my children. you have my blessing"
stan: "thank you. really. this is definitely the best thing someone has ever done for me"
god: "you're welcome, my kid. now go and find your «best friend»"

stan, kenny and cartman were now in heaven, the sky was light blue, the clouds were white and fluffy; there were angels everywhere and the atmosphere was serene and peaceful.

angel 1: "oh my! is that you, kenny?"
angel 2: "kenny? you mean kenny mccormick?"
kenny: "hello, guys. how are you??"
stan: *to cartman* "wait- what's happening?"
cartman: *to stan* "i have no idea, but this isn't the weirdest thing happening today."
kenny: "i told you, guys! i die almost everyday because of my parents' satanic ritual. every angel and demon knows me!"
angel 3: "he's right! kenny's like a legend here. once he even helped us in a war against hell!"
stan: "so is the immortality thing real??"
kenny: "i tried to tell you guys! don't worry, tho. it's part of the curse that you can't believe me"
stan: "i'm sorry, dude. i'll try to remember the next time"
kenny: "trust me, you won't be able to. at least you believe this now, even if you can't remember my deaths, at least from now on you'll remember that after i die i come back the next day, so you won't be sad when i die"
angel 2: "why are you here if you're all alive, little kids?"
kenny: "it's a long story, guys. but we need your help"
angel 1: "sure, kenneth! everything for you"
kenny: "we need to access the soul records"
angel 1: "oh, i can take you there! come on, guys, follow me."

stan, kenny and cartman followed the angel

angel 1: "so, before we arrive, what's happening?"
stan: "my best friend.. my best friend died, and we asked god if it was possible to come to heaven and take his soul back to the living world, so he opened a portal for us and we arrived here."
angel 1: "oh, i see. if god consented it, then it's possible, and i'm so happy for you"
stan: "thank you"

the soul records were in the highest sky of heaven, arriving there took at least eleven hours; on the living world it was a quarter to nine in the evening when they arrived.
there were golden stairs between every sky, which in total comprised over 20.000 steps.
at the end of the stairway, they were tired and out of breath.

stan: "have we- have we arrived?"
angel 1: "yes, we have. this book in front of us contains the name of every soul in heaven"

stan ran to the book and opened it immediately

stan: *searching in the book, which was organised in alphabetical order* "b, b, b, br, br, bro, brof, brofl, broflo.. broflovski! i found it! now, k, ky, kyl.. where's kyle??"

stan kept flipping that page back and forth, nervously. but nothing changed. kyle's name wasn't there.

stan: "a-angel? what does it mean when someone's name is not in the book? he died a week ago, is it possible that the book is not up to date?"
angel 1: "no, it isn't. i'm sorry, kid, but your friend isn't here.."
stan: "that-that's impossible. there's no way he is somewhere but here.. right?"

nobody answered. stan started to realise that their journey hadn't finished yet.

stan: "does this mean..? we gotta go.. down?"
angel 1: "i'm afraid so, children. but, i think you should rest first. i think this has been a long day"

the angel accompanied the three boys in a hotel for new souls who didn't know where to go, and took a room for them. as you can imagine, kenny had already been in that hotel before, and everyone in there knew him and greeted him, again.

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