chapter 13: digging up

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[meanwhile, with kenny and cartman]

cartman: "are they here??"
kenny: "how the fuck am i supposed to know if i'm alive?? i guess not, though. they usually like to shake leaves and break some twig, just to make sure you're terrified"
cartman: "what assholes"
kenny: "right??"

the two boys kept walking searching for kyle's grave, but they found nothing.
then, kenny turned on his walkie-talkie to talk to stan.

kenny: "dude, have you found the grave? over"

no answer. stan's walkie-talkie was still turned off and he didn't receive kenny's message. kenny started to worry, so he tried to contact him again

kenny: "stan, have you found the body? over"
kenny: "stan?? stan?"
kenny: *to cartman* "he's not in line"
cartman: "should we.. get worried?"
kenny: "jesus christ, i seriously hope not. these last three days have been already very hard"
cartman: "yeah same. plus, he has his super boyfriend with him"

[meanwhile, with stan]

there was nothing more stan could've done in that moment. his body was blocked and he wasn't able to move at all.
he was trembling, but he was entirely paralysed as well.
everything stopped moving for a moment. he started replacing all his memories, observing his life. he knew it would've been over in a few seconds. everything he did, he did it for love, and it was the best choice he could've made. it was over, in that moment everything stopped having a sound, the landscape lost all of its colors and all he could see were his memories. but suddenly, a whisper took him back to reality. it wasn't actually a whisper, he just heard it so low that it sounded like one, but it was actually someone yelling.


stan: "k-kyle..?"

after hearing that, he regained control of his body, and he wasn't paralysed anymore. but in the same moment, he started feeling the presence of a hug.

stan: "kyle..?"

his shoulder received one touch, and the hug got deeper. then, stan reciprocated the hug, even if he couldn't really touch kyle.
he felt like he was hugging something, though. their hug felt warm and comfortable for stan, who was still trying to recover from the bad experience he had had a few seconds ago.

stan: "why did it take you so long?"

kyle started running his finger down stan's back

stan: *reading what kyle was saying* "t - w - o - o - f - t - h- e - m - w - e - r - e - s - t - o - p - p - i - n - g - m - e"
stan: "fuck i've always been awful at spelling"
stan: "two? often?"

stan received two touches

stan: "two of them?"

this time, kyle replied touching him once

stan: "two of them were stopping you?"

kyle answered "yes" again, then, the two boys re-started walking in search of kyle's grave

stan: "don't worry, kyle. i promise you we'll find it and everything will work"

they kept walking for a while. it was creepy, the sky was dark and the atmosphere was silent; the only thing stan could hear were his steps. olws hooting and mice running around while squealing made the moment even scarier, and the only light they had was stan's torch. it had been hours since they had started walking in the graveyard, but there was still no trace of kyle's grave.
occasionally, stan asked kyle if he was still there, because he couldn't see him yet.

stan: "dude, are you still here?"

kyle touched his shoulder once, so stan kept walking. suddenly, a bunch of leaves started shaking..

stan: "kyle?? kyle is that you!?"

stan received one touch again.

stan: "what are you-"

before he could end the sentence, he saw where the leaves kyle shook were moving to: it was kyle's grave!

stan: "finally!! i can't wait to have you back"
stan: *turning on his walkie-talkie* "dude, we found it!! we found the grave! over"
kenny: "where are you guys now?? over"

then, stan explained kenny how to reach them trying to be as clear as possible.

cartman: "seriously?? why is this place so fucking huge?!"
kenny: "come on, fatass. we've walked without stopping for three days. you can handle ninety more meters"

once kenny and cartman arrived, stan opened his backpack and took the digging shovels

stan: "finally, guys. now, as we digged up kyle's grandma, now we'll dig up him"
kyle: *to himself, since no one else could hear him* "please do not remind me of that"

the three boys started digging up the grave, and then opened it with the crowbar.

cartman: "smells like shit"
kyle: *to himself* "look who's talking, at least i smell like shit when i'm dead"
stan: "kyle, now is your turn, buddy. try to enter it"

kyle started walking to the body, and then tried to lie down on it unsurely, he didn't really know how to enter a dead body

cartman: "nothing's happening, i told you this would never work"
stan: "kyle?? can you hear me?"

for a first moment, everything was silent, except for those fucking owls which were still hooting

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