chapter 11: in your arms again

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the elevator arrived to the 5th floor, they were arrived. it had been a long week, long seven days, seven days that seemed lasting for eternity. as much as stan had suffered, so did kyle. he missed stan more than everything else, but, differently from him, he didn't really want to meet him again, because meeting stan again meant that he died too, and kyle wanted stan's life to be as long as possible. but inside, everything he wanted was to wake up in stan's arms and realising it was all a bad dream, a bad long dream. but he knew it wasn't.. he knew he was really dead and he had lost everything he loved, his mom, his dad, his younger brother, his school, his basketball team, his friends.. and most importantly, his stan...

[meanwhile, with stan and the others]

stan: "room 19, room 20, room 21, room 22... room.. room 23.. here.. here we are"

stan took one of the longest breaths he had ever taken, before opening that door.. it was just a door, but it might've been the most important door of all his life. a door that contained the best person of his existence, but that also contained the worst moment he had ever lived. opening a door is something that takes three seconds, and people usually do it without thinking about anything.. but opening that one specific door could've changed stan's past, his present and obviously his future.

stan: "KYLE!!"

stan screamed his name so loud that he got heard by the entire building. as soon as he opened the door, stan immediately ran into kyle's arms

kyle: "s-stan?"
stan: *while crying* "kyle!! kyle! i missed you so so so much, i'm sorry!! i'm sorry for everything!! i shouldn't have hesitated that day, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!!"
kyle: "oh no.. stan i'm so sorry... how- how did this happen..?"
stan: *while he shad a tear* "it's a.. it's a long story, but it doesn't matter right now. the only thing that matters is that i'm sorry if i didn't answer to your confession that day, because all i want to say now is that i love you too! i love you more than anything else!!"
kyle: "stan.. i'd normally be so happy to hear that, but.. but i'm so sorry that you're dead too.."
kyle: *looking at kenny and cartman* "and so are you, guys! how did this happen??"
stan: "oh nonono we- we aren't dead! i love you so much that i came here to take you out of here.."
kyle: ...
kyle: "wh-what do you mean?"
stan: "oh, yeah right"

he said while he wiped away his tears

stan: "of course you thought that we were all dead, but we aren't. we are alive. me, kenny and cartman are all alive. i came here to take your soul back to your body again.."
kyle: "reeeeally??"

while he said that "really" his eyes were wide open, with pure joy mixed with disbelief. he wouldn't have dreamed about such a thing not even in a trillion years. he was still incredulous, he always knew stan was the best person in his life, but he didn't expect him to be able to do this.

stan: "i never realised how much i loved you until i lost you, and this is the reason why i don't ever wanna loose you again, because if i loose you i loose myself. i love you, kyle"
kyle: *with tears of emotion in his eyes* "i-i love you too, stan"

the two boys slowly kissed, looking in each other's eyes. for both, the other one's eyes were the most beautiful thing they had ever seen in their lives.
one of them had bright, green eyes, which looked like grass in spring afternoons, and the other one had dark, blue eyes, which looked like the sea in summer nights

cartman: *ironically* "this is very, very cute, you guys-"
cartman: "but maybe you should take this moment later. we're still not done and i don't want to walk in a graveyard at night and dig up a corpse"
stan: "shut your fucking ass up, fatass!"
kyle: *thinking* "he's really the boy of my dreams"
stan: *realising kyle was now with them* " you know- whe-when you passed away i took a bit of your personality- i-i- sorry"
stan: *nervous laugh*
kyle: "i don't mind- i actually think you're cute"

while kyle said it, he started smiling at stan, while his eyes softened. his face was the most wonderful thing stan had ever seen.

kenny: "guys, we don't have much time. as far as i know on halloween night souls can come to the living world until 12 a.m., we have to get out of here.. i know it's just a half past eight, but there will surely be a really long line. everyone wants to go back to the living world for at least a few minutes"
kyle: "yeah, you're right. plus, i hate this place. let's go"

the four boys were now reunited. the line was long and people inside of it were a lot, but it didn't matter, they were all alive.. or either they would have been in a few minutes.
stan and kyle held each other's hand all the time, they needed to be as close as possible

stan: "so.. where will we exactly spawn when we get on the living world?"
kenny: "we'll spawn in the place we died.."

everyone stayed silent for some second

cartman: "and what for who's not dead??"
kenny: "i actually never thought about it, i was already taking for granted that i was dead again"
kyle: "i met many souls who know you.. just to know, how many times have you died?"
kenny: "i don't remember the exact number, but, as damien said some hour ago, i died 2397 times"

kyle's brain stopped braining for a while, that number was too big for it, and he's the smartest boy in town. but he didn't need to think about an answer, his face was already replying by itself.

stan: "anyway, how has your week been, kyle?"
kyle: "fucking miserable"
stan: "yeah, same"
kyle: "do you guys think.. we'll still be in time for the town's annual halloween special?? it meant a lot to me.."
kenny: "uh... i hardly think so, guys. but who knows.. maybe we'll be able to participate at the ending"
stan: "i hope so, i really wanted to take part in it with our costumes.."
kyle: "yeah, same.. at least we're still in time for the marvel movie!"
cartman: "you guys haven't seen it yet?!"
stan: "no, it should have been a sort of date.."

as soon as he heard those words, cartman started spoilering them the whole movie, telling them every character who died and how they died

kyle: "stan.. when i'll get back in my body, remember me to punch him until he vomits his own blood"
stan: "yeah, this time it's really what he deserves.. but don't worry, we'll find something else to do for our date"

the four of them were getting closed to the access on the living world..
who knows where stan, kenny and cartman will spawn...

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