School Sucks

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   (HI! o/ I just wanted to say, the beginning might not be great, I'm not good at starting them, but once I get going, it'll be great!)

   The teacher was walking around the class, passing back test papers, giving a slight smile to the students. Telling some of them great job if they got 100. When she got to Sapnap, she gave him a side eye and set it on his desk upside down.

   He sighed, knowing what that mean. He didn't even want to see the grade. He knew he was going to get in trouble at home anyways, but he decided to take a small peek anyways.

   "68%..great." He let out a frustrated breath and ran a hand through his hair.

   "Pssst...Sap-" His best friend, Clay, or as all the students know him, Dream, said to get his attention.

   Sapnap looked over to him to him motioning to the test paper. He shook his head and showed his score. Dream looked sad for his friend, he knew that he did try on these tests.

   He still held good enough grades to stay on the football team, but they were slipping. More than he'd like them to.

  The bell rang loudly through the class and everyone hurriedly gathered their things to go to their next class. Dream waited for Sapnap at the door to go to the lockers. They were lucky, they had the same schedule.

   "Hey Sap, don't worry, I'm sure that you're grades are gonna get better soon" Dream tried to reassure while exchanging books.

"Pff- sure-" He put in his locker combination and it popped right open "-they're so going to get better" he retorted sarcastically

  Just as he was about to close his locker, he felt a weight jump on to his back and he stumbled forwards.

   "Oof-" he grunted as he used his hands to steady himself on the locker

   "SAPNAP! Hi!" Karl said excitedly

   Sapnap sighed with a sigh, "Hi Karl" how could he be mad at Karl? They've been best friends since junior high.

   He shook Karl off his back, ruffled his hair and closed his locker. Karl was also in his next class. Karl gasped dramatically at the hair ruffle and bapped Sapnaps forehead.

  Dream just laughed amd shook his head at the two, "Come on guys, we gotta get to class"

   "Woo! Algebra!" Sapnap said with sarcastic enthusiasm as he followed Dream to their next class. Karl laughed and walked next to Sapnap.

   The class was in chaos, the cheerleaders laughing loudly, the other jocks shoving eachother around, kids sitting on desks, you know, the normal high-school classroom.

  Karl rolled his eyes at the students and sat in his seat, Sapnap sitting infront of him and Dream to Sapnap's right. Soon after, the teacher walked into the room and everyone scrambled to get into their seats.

   The teacher set down his "I don't get paid enough for this" coffee mug and announced that half way through the class, their will be a test. Collective groans arose from the class.

   He grabbed his text book and wrote some problems on the bored, "These are some practice problems. You will see similar ones on the test. I will be going around checking them. Raise your hand if you're having trouble."

  Sapnap sighed and grabbed his notebook and a pencil, looking behind him to see Karl already working on the problems. He, Karl, and Dream all hated this class, but Karl was actually good at algebra.

   The teacher came around and checked off the first two of Sapnap's problems and helped him on the third one. That teacher was always to patient with him. Too soon it was time for the test. Sapnap knew how to solve the problems. But his brain couldn't focus, he was too jumbled to focus so he just tried and put down answers.

   Just as he finished the test, over the class loud speakers a slightly screechy voice came, "Will Nick [insert last name] come down to the office"

   The whole class "oooh'd" and Dream looked to him with a concerned face.

   "Well fuck-" he muttered as he gathered his things and went down to the office.

(Hey guys, sorry if I add too many un important details, I'm still new to writing books like these and I'm jsut trying to make the chapters a bit longer.)

((Also props to thegloomyclover for making the cover art! They're a really good friend of mine))

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