Well Fuck

20 3 4

Tw: mentions of abuse

(Wow! Two chapters in one day? Motivation go crazyyyyy)

   "Just as he finished the test, over the class loud speakers a slightly screechy voice came, "Will Nick [insert last name] come down to the office" "

  He was panicking. Why would the office need him? What did he do? His mind was a flurry of these questions, before he knew it, he was already at the office. He took a shaky breath before entering.

   The secretary looked up from her computer and said, "Nick?" He nodded in responce, "Okay, take a seat, I'll tell the principle you're here" she said with a sweet smile. That lady was always so nice.

   Sapnap tried to calm himself down, trying to tell himself it was nothing. That he wasn't in trouble. Footsteps were tapping down the hall and the secretary told him the principle was ready for him. He said a quick thank you before entering his office and sat down infront of the principle with the..counselor too? Oh no..

   "You're probably wondering why I called you down. Well don't worry, you're not in trouble, per say." The principle motioned to the counselor to speak.

   She cleared her throat and started, "Well, your teachers and I have noticed your grades are slipping. We all waited, giving you the benefit of the doubt to see if your grades would raise. And they haven't." She took a breath, and let Sapnap take in what she was saying.

   "And we think it is in your best interest for you to not play on the football team until you raise your grades. We've also contacted your father about the situation to let him know about what we're doing-"

   He stopped listening when he heard that they called his dad. He was already going to get yelled at for the test today, but getting kicked off the team? Having to be called about his bad grades? He was scared. He didn't know what his father was going to do. He'd probably be drunk when he got home...so that already makes it worse...

   He tuned back in as the counselor finished saying, "-and we recommend getting someone to tutor you so you don't have to get summer classes" he just nodded in responce, on the verse of tears but holding them in.

   He thanked them for letting him know and walked out of the office, seeing Dream waiting for him to go home. When he saw Sapnap he immediately got more concerned.

   "Hey, are you alright dude" Dream asked in a worried tone

   A single tear fell down his face and Sapnap blinked back anymore that might dare to fall, "No. They're kicking me off the team until my grades get better."

   "Aww dam man. That sucks, I'm so-" Sapnap cut him off

   "No, you don't understand. They also called my dad. I- I don't want to go home Dream. I'm scared.." He said in a small voice

   Dream's face softened and he wrapped an arm around Sapnap's shoulders. Sapnap sniffles and wiped away any tears that threatened to fall.

   "Hey guys! Ready to go home?" Karl asked as he appeared behind the two

   Sapnap immediately straighted and said yeah, with his reaction Karl then asked, "Are...you alright Sap?"

   "I'm fine Karl, don't worry" he forced a smile as they walked out of the building.

   All three of them lived pretty close to the school so they all walked home. Dream and Sapnap parted from Karl first, as the two lived only three houses apart and Karl waved bye, but kept walking.

   Sapnap stopped infront of his home, scared to enter. Dream gave his best friend a good hug before he left, hoping the damage won't be too bad.

   He took a deep breath and walked inside. He scrunched his nose as a wave of alcohol smell blasted his nose. At the dining room table sat his father, with an empty bottle of Jack.

   "So Nick-" he started with a heavy slur to his words, "-I got a call from your school earlier. Said you were failin'..."

(Chapter lengths might be inconsistent as I only want certain things to happen in certain chapters, or I want to make certain cliff hangers. Have a lovely day/night yall! o/l

((Also comment if you think I missed a Tw I need to add))

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