• 𝐈 ✦ 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾. ❦

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[ 26TH OF SEPTEMBER, 2019 . . . LONDON, U.K. ]

"welcome to the england, audrey!" evelyn, one of my online bestfriends, exclaimed, as she puts her hands on the air. though, i couldn't believe that it was real! i was finally able to go to england. that was my only goal. and i cANT BELIEVE IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING! and now, it's real! "wow!" i exclaimed in excitement, looking at the towery buildings that filled around us. though, london's pretty big. but i was fine with it.

"anyways," evelyn said, making me look at her again. "how about we get coffee?" she suggested, and i smiled and nodded. "yeah sure!" then we walk off.

but while we were walking, to obviously find a café somewhere, evelyn was obviously talking about how AMAZING england is actually is. and to be honest? i was pretty interested too. infact, i have decided to live here. but, sad to say i was only here for 6 months or so. and ill be back to the philippines once again after this.

because, ofcourse... i couldn't leave MY family there.

when we got to the café, we started talking and yeah. then... evelyn said, "have you rented an airbnb yet?" she asked, while i sipped on my coffee. when i was finished, i obviously answered with, "no i haven't." i was confused on why evelyn would ask about me renting an airbnb already. "well, thats good because im letting you stay in my house for a while." my eyes widened as i heard the words being spitted out. "no way?!" she exclaimed, with a mix of a laugh at the end. evelyn shooked her head, before answering again. "no! im serious!"

though, i was still shocked with disbelief as i heard the words. i chuckled in disbelief before thinking of the words to say, "thanks!" was the only thing she said. evelyn smiled at her. "ofcourse. thats what's friends do alright?" she said, as we both finished our drinks.

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"well, we still need to suprise our other friends honestly." i said as we walked down the street. england was very loud to be honest. cars were beeping and roaming around the road. the cab, buses around and cars too. we were at the mall when we were greeted with my other online friends and they were all happy to see me. others were jumping up and down only just to see me. and most of them yelled my name.

when we got closer to them, i was welcomed by their warm hugs and since im a hugger person, i was the first person to do the hugging first.

we got to the mall, buying me clothes and 2 of my male friends, helped me carry my luggage. (i was pretty lucky to have friends. i bet you dont even have one AHAHAHA- /j) we were laughing and shit and having A LOT of fun.

we went to the arcade, and played some games there.

"OH MY GOD, JARED! YOURE PRETTY SHIT AT THIS!" vinyl pointed out, as she tried to whack the mouse that goes up from the hole. we all had collective laughs as they argue while playing.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, VIN! YOU STILL OWNED ME THE FUCKIN' 100 POUNDS!" jared remaked as he aggressively whacks.

wait... a HUNDRED POUND? and it was like evelyn heard what i was wondering about. "yep. a hundred pounds."

"damn..." i said as we looked at them, continuesly arguing about small things as they try to whack the mouse.

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𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘 . 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝖻𝗎𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗍Where stories live. Discover now