• 𝐕𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗓𝗂𝖾𝗋. ✰

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"so, where are you from, mind me asking..?" wilbur asked me, as i turned my head towards him as we walked down the pavement after the rain finally slowed down. i hesistated for a few seconds, because.. what if he'd judge..? but, then again.. it's probably and definitely the time to tell the truth.. "well, im actually from the philippines." and based from his reaction, he was shocked, as he wasn't really expecting for a woman like me to be asian.. or i might've been mistaken..? "that's interesting. you're here to study or...?" wilbur elongated the last word, just making sure if i have to say something or not. i chuckled softly before responding. "no, im here, just to visit some of my friends." i smiled. wilbur went silent for a while, nodding as he looked down at the ground, probably thinking of something or.. probably just zoned out?? i cant quite point though.

"how pretty and nice is the philippines, by the way?" wilbur asked, with an eyebrow raised slightly up from where it was supposed to be. i felt excited, ofcourse. i could FINALLY explain a lot about my own homeland. "of course! it is so nice!" i said, with alot of excitement from my tone. "do you reckon i could visit you there sometime when you go back?" he asked once again, and ny eyes widened. "OF COURSE! my family would be happy to meet new peop-" i said, but trailed off when wilbur asked again, "but i don't know how to speak filipino, though..." his tone was filled with a lot of worriness and was so anxious about it. another smile came out of my face again and i said, "it's fine! ill teach you how!"

just imagine how nice it would be..

i realized he wasn't judging about where i was.. i was really expecting that though. "you're fine with me being an asian?" i asked, with a cheeky little grin showing on wilbur's face. "of course! why wouldn't i?" i went silent for a while, my mouth gaped but i kept my mouth shut, doubting if i should even say it or not. but i rather wouldn't. and he noticed this. "is something wrong, audrey?" i looked at him and i nervously shook my head no. we kept walking until he grabs my arm, making me stop walking. "tell me.. is something wrong?" i breathed a sigh and responded, "i was expecting for you to.. well, judge me."

i could see wilbur had his gaze me longer than he should be staring at. and for a short seconds, he had my hand on his hand. "audrey... don't be like that! i would never judge you, y'know..?" with worriness of a mother in his voice, he somehow managed to calm me down from my insecurity and i gave him a slight smile. "thank you." i felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment and awkwardness i was experiencing. he shot me back with a cheeky grin and that was already enough to make my butterflies from my stomach to fly. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH- AUDREY CALM DOWN. HE'SJUSTPROBABLYBEINGNICE TO YOU-

"are you okay audrey?"

i looked up back to him with pink hue appeared on both of my cheeks, not noticable enough for wilbur to notice it. i felt panicked and anxious. oh god... what if he finds out? "o-oh yeah! YEAH! imfineeeee-" i started acting like i was FINE. when in reality, i'm not. so don't even try to ask why i started acting so weird- he shot me back again with an eyebrow of his being raised, obvious that he was confused. great, i just made a fool of my self for doing that. great job audrielle taylor. you fucked up. AGAIN, I SWEAR TO FUCKING G- "i promise you, im fine!" i reassured, with less anxious and panic from my tone and actions. wilbur shots me with another smile on his face. will this guy ever stop making me have butterflies in my stomach? it feels weird.

𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘 . 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝖻𝗎𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗍Where stories live. Discover now