• 𝐕 ✦ 𝖺𝗇 𝗎𝗉𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝖾𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗉𝖾. ✿

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Song of The Chapter: All Too Well - Taylor Swift
[[ [A/N] Yes, this ("Song of The Chapter" kind of thingy.) will ONLY be added when I'm randomly inspired by a song. And I know that All Too Well is about a relationship of an aged-gap couple who didn't became together 'until forever.' But the first part of the 10 minutes version (or the short film.) where they're on a ride to upstate, is like a bonding for the both of audrey and wilbur, y'know? (And PS: the chapter title is basically based on the short film 😍) ]]

[[ And also, let's just pretend that there's fall in England, alright? I just wanna make this related to the Red album by mother Taylor 😭✋ /hj ]]

as i could hear the sound of my sneakers stepping on the slabs of the pavement, i was fastening my pace so that i could still catch up on wilbur, who's in the london bridge by now waiting for me. now i feel embarrassed for making him wait. as my feet stepped into the floor of the london bridge, i could see wilbur down on the distant, looking down at his phone with wearing a black scarf, a brown leather jacket (i suppose..?) and dark grey jeans that has some extra space in the corner so that there could still feel be air.

and he looked up at his phone, looking around until he turned his head 'round to my direction and he smiled at me, waving 'hello' as i returned the wave and ran to him. he looked at my way, while he was waiting for me. as i got closer to him, i had a short, heavy breathing. it looked like i just ran on a marathon. "hey will! am i late? did i make you wait?" i worriedly asked him, as he let out a chuckle as i panic.

"no you didn't. you're just late for... 2 minutes." wilbur answered, after looking at his watch. the english from his voice, could be heard from his mouth, and it slightly... felt satisfying? i dont know how to word it out but it was definitely so awesome for me to hear the accent from his voice. but it's not like in a weird way or something, and i am not trying to cross the line here.

i sighed from his answer and nodded. "sorry for making you wait." i said awkwardly, as i let out a small laugh of nervousness and awkward. and he also laughed with me. "so, you ready?" he asked me, extending his arm to me, his hand infront of me as he's gonna grab my hand and probably run away. i put my hand on the palm of his hand and he immediately grabbed it and drag me on the pathway (or the pavement.)

we got inside his car and he turned on the keys immediately. i wasn't even ready yet when he turned on the engine. "do you even know how to drive a car?" i turned to him with a confused face, and a mix of worry too. "oh shut up, i drive to go to uni so don't you ever accuse me of not knowing how to drive." he said jokingly. i put on the seat belt and looked infront of the window.

"alright then, soot, im trusting you on this one." i said, with a slight laugh at the end. and after a few seconds, he turned on the engine and drove off.

we drove off to upstate as he drove fast with the cold wind flowing in my hair, making it seem like my hair is like a kite in the sky that's floating because of gravity. the fall was here, so the leaves were pretty much dead and orangy now.

we got outside the car, and the first thing i heard was that crunch of the leaves as i stepped on them. they were so satisfying to hear. wilbur slammed the door aggressively while i closed it but not too aggressive like wilbur did...

"hey wilbur!" i called out his name, which made him turned his head on to me as he spoke, "yeah? what's up?" i then put out a smug smile and said, "TRY TO CATCH ME!" i then giggled, as i ran away from him. but sooner afterwards, him decided to chase her. "oh you wanted to play the game huh? NO PROBLEM!" he added, as he chased me. both of us were giggling loudly.

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