• 𝐕𝐈 ✦ 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗀𝗅𝗈𝗐... ♡

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{{ of course, it's totally not me using a taylor swift reference for a title.. :side_eye: /j anyways have an audrey pov <3 }}

as i was laying in my bed, trying to process all of the events that happened today, Afterglow by Taylor Swift was playing. i thought it WOULDN'T actually happen to me. but, hey, listen, i met a man who was pretty DAMN attractive. and lemme get this straight, HE'S BRITISH. jeez, why am i even acting like this. I JUST MET HIM- AND IF HE HAS BOUNDARIES, I WON'T TRY TO CROSS THE LINE.

hes just a frieeeeend, it's not like i would date him or something. but only if he has a girlfriend though, but if he doesn't, well that's honestly worst. because hes so gorgeous, it actually hurts..

NOOO, im just kidding! and besides, he looks like he got some bitches.. well then, im just gonna-

"YO AUDREY!" vinyl yelled, as i slightly jumped while sitting on my bed, with a little scream came out of my mouth and my thoughts cutted off. i paused the song and yelled, "oh my fuckin' god, WHAT DO YOU WANT VIN?" i yelled, as she laughed at me. "well, nothing! i heard you met a boooy, todayyyyy~???" vinyl spoke, talking in a singy-song tone. there's no fucking way they found out i met a boy earlier... or a man perhaps. "oh my god- he was a FRIEND!"

"that wont convince me! and i also heard it's WILBUR SOOT???" vinyl screamed, my eyes going wide as i heard the name 'wilbur'.. but surely, there's no way she's talking about wilbur.. wilbur. "i tell you, he's a brunette, a tall person and wears glasses, AND A BEANIE TOO!" then my eyes widened even MORE as she described wilbur. THE EXACT SAME WILBUR I JUST MET- "how do you know about him?" i asked, becoming curious of how this DEMONIC GIRL knows about him.

"YOU DON'T KNOW? HE'S A MINECRAFT STREAMER AND HE'S VERY POPULAR!" and my mouth gaped for a moment. "i-i don't know about that.." why didn't he tell me that? "i just met him in the london bridge that day when i first got here, WHEN i was trying to find you guys." i shrugged, and vinyl's jaw dropped. why was she so shocked about it? "you're so lucky! y'know, me and jeremy watch him and we're WILBUR stans!" huh, no wonder why she was so shocked about it. but wait, a thought came of my mind, and i asked vinyl, "how do you know i met him earlier today?" then that's where vinyl's eyes widened and i could NOTICE a light blush on her cheeks.

"i may, or may not have been stalking you guys... with jeremy too." vinyl mumbled and i let out a loud gasp and stood up from my bed. "HOW DARE YOU!" i yelled, running towards her and vinyl ran away outside my room and i chased her. "i know, I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!"

"VINYL!! I TOLD YOU TO RESPECT PRIVACY!!" i said, as i immediately chased the hell outta this bitchass mofo <3. but she was too panicky about it, and she ran as fast as she could outside the house.

i stopped by at the kitchen, and saw jared holding a glass of water and then drinking it. "what the fuck happened?" he asked, as he then took another sip of the glass before it's finally empty. i ran like i was in a marathon and relaxed myself a little bit. "vinyl did a really stupid thing, and i can't help but to chase her.." i said, as i kept breathing hard once again. i tried inhale-exhaling shit and it finally stopped, but took a little while though.

"again?" jared said, with his eyebrow raised and i responded with a nod. jared let out a sigh, a dissapointed sigh, to say atleast... "it's fine, she's old enough anyway." he said, as he shrugs. and i couldnt help but to raise an eyebrow, just like he did. "what the fuck."

why am i friends with idiots again...?


[ A/N ] heyyallll! how are you guys feeling? :D i truely apologize for not being active these past few days! (or probably 2 months now..?) it's just because of school sxhit and i couldn't get the fanfiction done until now! (this is pretty much rushed 😭) even though i wroted this like around 24th of September, so it's been like... a month now- I'M TRUELY SORRY!!! 💔 i hope you guys forgive me and uh, yep! enjoy this chapter!

(ps: i actually forgot about this, until i looked at my wattpad today 😭)

(ps #2: Stream 1989 Taylor's Version on Spotify right now, or else mother Taylor will be under your bed at 3AM, when you sleep 😘😘 Been listening to Style TV and also Suburban Legends TV FTV for 891 times this day, Spotify was so worried about me. But I'm not, because my mental health is shit <33)

anyways, take care of yourself, drink water, eat food, don't stress yourself, don't force yourself, don't let any problems get onto your skin because it aint no good. if you're stressed just because you failed your exams (i also failed them) dw, you're not alone <33 mwa mwa <33 /p

- Sending all my love to you, from Ms. Anonymous Author !!! <3

[ ignore the laziness and rush 😭💔 ]

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