The Archer and The Cat

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While Alex and Ruby were in Alexandria. She had no idea that her team had ended up. She knew she had to find them but she didn't know where to start. But elsewhere someone else was finding someone they lost.

Daryl Dixon

Daryl walked down the river looking for any sign of Rick's body after 6 years you'd think someone would get hope, but daryl wasnt just looking for his brother, he was running. Running away from a past where he knows he cant save everybody. He feels guilt for everyone he's lost Merle, Beth, Glenn and Rick. He felt guilt for not being able to help.  Daryl walks down the river with his dog appropriately named dog, but he notices a girl stumbling through the woods. She had Cat ears?

Daryl: Hey!

The girl looked at daryl from a few feet away. She held a fighting stance. Daryl grabs his knives. Dog barks startling the already disoriented girl.  She stumbles a bit. She falls over and hits her head and she passes out. Daryl notices walkers approaching, so he picks up the girl and takes her back to his camp. He signals dog to follow him and they walk back to his little tent. Daryl examines the girl, she wore oddly clean clothes. She had cat ears which he tugged to make sure that they were real. He was confused, maybe he ate a plant that made him high, It didn't seem right it was sure as hell, far from normal. Daryl sat next to the girl as he stoked his campfire. He put his poncho around the girl and moved her close to the camp fire as he began cooking some snake meat. Daryl soon finished preparing the meal as the sun went down. He sat down on his sleeping bag and began eating. The girl eyes fluttered open and she shot up, completely confused. Dog walked up to her and bark causing her to jump up in high alert. Daryl grabbed his crossbow and aimed it at the girl. She looked around then turned around to see daryl.

Blake: W...Where am i?

She looked confused and scared.

Daryl: I ask the questions here. Who are you?

Blake looked at daryl she noticed the opportunity to grab a knife, she runs up and grabs it and points it at daryl.

Daryl: Hey calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need to ask you what exactly are.

He says pointing towards her ears.

Blake: I'm a faunus, Wait.. do you not know what that is.

Daryl shakes his head. He continues to point the crossbow at her

Blake: how'd i end up here i swore i was by the river.

Daryl: i found you, you got startled and tripped and hit your head. I took you back here so you wouldn't get eaten by walkers. By the looks of it, i can tell your not from around here.

Blake shakes her head

Blake: No, where am i, this doesn't look like remnant.

Daryl: what's remnant exactly.

Blake: the planet, i come from

Daryl: So, your an alien.

Blake: i suppose i am.

Daryl: Put that knife down, i aint gonna hurt you

Blake: How can i trust you

She looks at him with a stern expression still holding the kinfe firmly.

Daryl: i can't say you cant but i don't want to be responsible for you getting killed out there.

Blake: I can handle myself pretty well.

Daryl: You tripped and fell after my dog scared you.

Blake: that's because im part cat

She crosses her arms. Daryl chuckles a bit

Daryl: Here

Daryl hands her a plate of snake meat.

Blake: what's this

Daryl: does it matter its food, dont let it go to waste

Blake hesitantly grabs the plate and sits down. Daryl puts his crossbow away.

Daryl: So what exactly are you?

Blake looks up at daryl.

Blake: In my world, there are a species called faunus people that have animal traits, like my ears

Daryl examines her ears and grunts in response.

Daryl: How exactly did you get here.

Blake: Me and My friends were fighting some bad people, Some of us got knocked in the void.

Blake gets a worried look on her face

Blake: Yang.. Ruby, oh no

She starts silently panicking but she then realizes that if she's here that also means that yang and ruby probably ended up here. She also worry's about the outcome of the fight with cinder. She feels weak that she wasn't able to stop it.

Daryl: sounds like some tough shit

Daryl places a hand on her shoulder as he walks out the tent to smother the fire.

Daryl: Your should get some rest, i guess I'll let you stick with me until we both figure out what the fuck is going on.

Blake nods

Blake: thank you and can you keep your dog away from me.

Blake points to who's sleeping on a makeshift next to her. Daryl whistles and dog gets up, daryl moves the dog bed and dog lays back down. Blake gives a slight smile.

Daryl: go to sleep, i got shit to do tomorrow.

Blake lays down on the poncho that's been laid out on the ground and she goes to sleep hoping to find her friends.

A/n: short chapter, like really short but i just wanted to do some chapters on where the rest of team rwby ended up.

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