RWBY: We are the walking dead(twd s10 teaser)

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Silence the whisperers...

Echoes of words and screams are heard throughout Alex's mind, he can't sleep. He hears voices crawl through his brain forcing him to stay awake during the night.

We are life!

Images of all the people that Alex has ever known appear in his mind, the faces of the ones he lost and the faces of the people he still has.

That's death!

Images of the whisperers begin to flow through his mind, the faces and the heads of the people he knew that were up on those pikes come to mind...

And it's coming for us!


Alpha: It's pretty clear that you're not a coward like the rest of them.

Alex: I was never like the rest of them...


Ruby: Do you ever think I'll make it back home?

Alex: I can't give you an answer...

Ruby: Do you want me to go home?

Alex: I still can't answer...


Blake: This entire situation is all to familiar, th whisperers they aren't the type of group that I can fight for without putting my personal issues into

Daryl: trust me kid, all these people here are putting their personal issues into this shit

Negan: I'm not the kinda person you should be idealizing kid, especially now that I'm going all "suicide bomber" into the skin wearing dragon's lair.


Yang: Jaune! We have to go!

Jaune: I'm nothing letting hilltop fall! I can't let something else I care about get ripped apart!

Yang: And I'm not letting you get ripped apart by the mask wearing freaks, come on!


Beta: You are weak...

Alex: I cut your arm off, I don't want to hear YOU call me weak!

Alex: You aren't your mother Lydia, your are who you want to be...

Lydia: Do you think these people want me here? They always thought this was all my fault!

Alex: Then prove them wrong

Alex: can have her back

Negan: No kid... it's just a stupid bat, I don't know why I ever named it after her, she would've hated what I did in "her" name...

Alex: It seems that she always saw the good in you, I think she would've been proud that you pulled yourself out.

Negan: I would've continued going if it wasn't for your dad slashing my throat open...

Alex: but you didn't...I know the others still hate you for it but I get... people dying can make you do some fucked up shit... I'm not saying forgive you but I'm saying I get it, you're a part of our community as much as everyone else can go back but "you know who" is gonna be out for blood.

Yang: I didn't think we'd find you again, definitely not in a place like this then again it fits you pretty well, Ruby's gonna flip once she finds out the old team can get back together...

Rwby: We are The Walking Dead(The Walking Dead X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now