What comes after(flashback)

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The sounds of walkers echoed through the forest. Rick Grimes woke up, he had passed out from blood loss from a severe injury he sustained. He looked behind him. A massive herd of walkers were following him, then he looked infront of him. He saw the bridge that he had ordered to be reconstructed, a bridge that he thought would unite the communities to bring peace after they were under the rule of the saviours. He stumbled towards hoping that once the herd crosses it the bridge would collapse under it. Once on the other side. He turned around he saw that the bridge was holding the weight of the walkers just fine.

Rick: No...No it's gonna hold

He mumbled to himself whilst holding his bleeding wound. He turns around and keeps limping forward.

Rick: I can't... I can't

He moaned as he walked forward. A walker had caught up to him and tried to bite him but it was shot by an arrow. Rick turns around and sees below the bridge across the riverbed was Daryl and Alex while the others were arriving. Another walker tried to bite him but was shot by Alex's rifle. Maggie, carol, Jesus and the others arrive.

Maggie: what is he doing, he's hurt

Daryl: that herd'll run right through hilltop, he's trying to bring down the bridge.

Michonne: no

Michonne unsheathes her sword and runs off. Maggie takes charge

Maggie: we turn them around, fight em

Maggie leads them with carol right behind her

Carol: shot your guns try to divert them.

Rick notices them all trying to help but he knows it's pointless. He shakes his head

Rick: no don't do it, not for me, there's too many

Rick mumbles as Daryl and Alex watch from a distance both Daryl and Alex know this is the last time they'll see Rick so they don't want to miss the opportunity to see him one last time.

Carol: it's not working, keep trying

Rick continues to signal for them to back off but they don't take notice. Rick grabs his axe and slices through a walker. Daryl and Alex do their best to keep the walkers away from Rick and by him some time. Rick holds his wound as he looks at the herd. Just then almost like a sign, one of the walkers pushes a box from a cart of the bridge. The box contained dynamite sticks, Rick knew exactly what to do. Michonne and the others try desperately to get to the road to fight off the walkers. Daryl and Alex continue to shoot walkers that were getting close to Rick. They tried not to break down and stay calm hoping that something or someone could help him. Rick looked at them one last time and gave them a light tip of his head. Michonne was running she could see the clearing into the road where the walkers were. She run with her sword in hand hoping to get to rick. Rick with the little strength he has left. Grabbed his python and pulled back the hammer. The group were almost there. Michonne readied her sword and let out a battle cry

Michonne: RICK!!

Rick held his bloodied hand and aimed his revolver. He thought about everything that has happened to hi everything he losses the people that he still has with one final breath, he spoke.

Rick: I found them

He pulled the trigger, the dynamite instantly blew up. The explosion lit up the sky with smoke and knock everyone back with the shockwave. Everyone looked in shock. Everyone fell silent. The herd began to walk off the edge of the fallen bridge. Daryl and Alex stare at the place Rick once stood. Alex fell to his knees and began to sob uncontrollably while Daryl had tears flowing down his cheeks. Michonne cried and howled being held back by a crying Maggie and carol. Daryl and Alex watched as the last of the herd walked off. Not a signal word between the two. Daryl picked up Alex  wrapping his arms around the young man hugging him tightly as he cried into his shoulder. Daryl and Alex walk away from the scene. A familiar blond watches them from a distance sobbing as well.

Jaune Arc

A/n: welp jaune is here now, not a chapter because I haven't watched s9 episode 6 again so I'll get to that soon. Jaune is gonna have a flashback chapter to when he got to earth but long story short he was there in Atlanta when it fell. Basically jaune arrived on earth during this time and he was with the group since season 1 so there are going to be plenty of flashbacks to memorable events in the show where he is present for example the lineup scene from the season six finale.

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