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Alex, Aaron and Jesus crouch behind a fallen tree looking at a walker herd in the distance. This walker herd was different, they were walking around in circle. Daryl walks from behind them

Daryl: there's about a hundred thirty, hundred forty of them

Jesus turns to Aaron.

Jesus: ever seen them do this before?

Aaron shakes his head

Aaron: No, Never

Jesus looks back at the herd

Alex: i think it's best we leave them alone, we don't know what's up with them. We have to focus on finding Eugene.

Daryl: we should get the horses, circle around.

Aaron: What about them?

Aaron says looking back at the herd.

Daryl: What about em?

Jesus: They're just milling around.. that's not normal

Daryl looks back at the herd

Daryl: nah, it's not

They all hear thunder, Daryl looks up at the sky.

Daryl: Let's go, There's a storm coming.

Aaron and Jesus follow Daryl. Alex continues to look at the herd, he sees one of the walkers turn to look at him, it stands there staring for a bit, something didn't seem right about it but he brushed it off and followed Daryl and the others.

*Title card*


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In Alexandria, father Gabriel sits in front of the ex-saviour leader, Negan. Negan was given the right to here the word of the Lord or whatever Gabriel called. In Reality negan didn't care but it gave him some human interaction for at least a short while. Gabriel uses a singing bowl to help negan meditate and find peace within himself.

Gabriel: you are, aware of yourself. Just let it go, don't judge the distraction, accept it, consider it, release it, just let it wash over you, it's all-

Negan tries to remain focused but something bothers him and he opens his eyes.

Negan: ah you know what screw it. Screw it, my mind never enters anyway, it just always goes straight to that place that would blush the color right off of you.

Gabriel stops using the singing bowl and he sits there watching negan as he grabs a tennis ball and throws it at the wall, ready to go on his long rants

Negan: although, now that you and Rosita are a thing, maybe I'm wrong, I mean hot damn.

Gabriel is irritated at Negan's remark but he knows he does it on purpose, even if he's imprisoned he never changes.

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