Better angels(flashback)

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*9 years ago*

Rick Grimes and his best friend and ex-partner in the police force Shane Walsh stand in an empty field not too far from the Greene farm homestead.  Rick stands in the field with back turned to Shane sensing tension between them, Shane breathes heavily, Rick still with his back turned says nothing as he puts his colt python in his holster. He hears his partners heavy breathing.

Rick: So this is where you plan to do it.

Rick remains with his back turned, Shane swallows the lump in his throat knowing there's no turning back from what he's about to do, he places his hand to the holster containing his pistols.

Shane: it's as good of a place as any.

Rick: we still have the balls to call this what it is?

Shane takes out his pistol and cocks back the hammer keeping it at his side as Rick turns around to face him.

Rick: Murder, that's what it is.

Rick begins to circle around Shane, Shane continues to face Rick as he walks around him.

Rick: you really believe if you walk back onto that farm alone, no me, no Randall.

Shane points at Rick

Shane: now I need you to hush up-

Rick: you really believe they're gonna buy whatever BULLSHIT story, you cook up.

Shane and Rick now stand across from each other once again.

Shane: that's just it, there is no story. I watched that prisoner shoot you down, I went after him and snapped his ain't gonna be easy, but Lori, Alex and Carl they'll get over you... they've done it before.... they're just gonna have too

Rick glares at Shane, he looks at his partner's face seeing a blank expression, void of any sympathy or regret. Shane takes a breath and points his gun at Rick gripping it with both hands.

Rick: Why? Why now? I thought we worked this all out?

Rick circles around Shane. Shane just follows his moments continuing to point his gun at his friend. Shane laughs gripping his gun even harder

Shane: we tried to kill each other man, whatcha think we're just gonna leave this behind and ride off into the sunset together?

Rick tries to put distance between them as he takes a few steps back with Shane's eyes watching him like a hawk.

Rick: You're gonna kill me in cold blood! Fuck my wife, and have my children MY CHILDREN call you daddy? Is that what you want? That life won't be worth a damn. I know you, you won't be able to live with this.

Shane takes a few steps forward closing the gap that Rick established, he puts his gun down but his entire body shows no sign of doing out of remorse as he looks less calm and more visibly unstable.

Shane: Whatchu know about what I can live with? You've got know Idea about what I can live with, WHAT I LIVE WITH! You wanna talk about what I can do Rick? How about we can talk about what you can do?

Shane tucks his gun in his pants and raises his arms.

Shane: Come on man, Raise your gun!

Rick's face fills with disgust, anger and a bit of sadness as he watches his best friend act so unstable and erratically. He shakes his head as he looks at Shane.

Rick: No, No I will not

Shane: what happened Rick, I thought you said you weren't the good guy anymore ain't that what you said? Even right here right now you ain't gonna fight for her? I'm a better father than you RICK, I'm BETTER FOR LORI THAN YOU MAN, cause I'm a better man than YOU, cause I'll do it, I'll fight for her BUT YOU JUST COME BACK HERE AND DESTROY EVERYTHING!

Rick's face goes from concerned to angry as he watches his friend slowly transform completely.

Shane: you've got a broken woman, you've got some weak boys and you've ain't got the first clue how to fix it.

Shane takes out his gun once more pointing it at Rick's head.

Shane: Raise your gun!

Rick: You're gonna have to kill an unarmed man

Rick puts his hands in the air. He slowly reaches for his gun.

Rick: Watch my hand...nice and easy.

Rick Takes out his python and shows it to Shane. He slowly walks forward to hand it to him.

Rick: There's still a way back from all this, nothing has happened here and we're gonna lay down our guns, and we're gonna walk back to the farm TOGETHER, back to Lori, back to Alex and Carl...put this all behind us.

Shane seems to calm down but continues pointing the gun to Rick, Rick places his gun into Shane's hand as he reaches for his knife before stabbing him in the heart. Shane accidentally pulls the trigger to Rick's Python, shooting a stray shot into the ground. Shane weakly tries to tackle Rick but he just falls down to his knees as Rick holds him gently placing him down to the ground as he drives his knife into Shane causing him to groan and choke on his own blood. Shane tries to grab Rick's neck but he doesn't have the strength to grip his throat, Rick begins to break down as tears fall down his face.

Rick: damn you got making me do this! This was YOU NOT ME, YOU DID THIS TO US, THIS WAS YOU  NOT ME!

Rick voices cracks as he completely breaks down in a mix of anger and sadness. Rick takes out the knife and Shane looks at his wound before looking up at the moon. Rick cradles his friend as Shane gargles a mix of his saliva and his blood before taking his last breathes. Once Rick sees that Shane's dead, he crouches over his friends corpse as he yells out and loudly sobs. Rick gets up and puts his hands to his head in disbelief of what he had just done. Rick begins to feel lightheaded causing him to kneel down next to the body, he takes deep breaths, trying to compose before going back to the farmhouse, after a few short moments Rick finally comes to terms with what he had just done.

Alex: Dad?

Rick turns around And sees both of his boys standing a few feet away from him, both holding their guns. He looks away, turning back to Shane's corpse. Rick gets up and slowly stumbles towards his kids. Carl begins to sobs as Alex looks over to his father with a blank expression.

Rick: No, you should be back home with mama.

Carl raises his gun, Rick raises his hand trying to calm his son down as Alex looks behind him seeing the reason Carl readied his weapon. Carl begins to sobs as both of the Grimes kid's notice Shane's walker stumbling towards Rick.

Rick: Please, just put the gun down... it's not what it seems please!

Carl begins to tear up not being able to fire, Alex grabs aims his gun with one hand and fires before taking a deep shaking breath as he lowers it, Rick turns around and sees Shane's body on the floor with a fresh bullet wound in his head. Carl begins to walk over to Shane's body but Rick signals for him to stop.

Rick: Wait!

Rick walks over to Shane's body and kneels down examining it to make sure he was actually dead. He checks his body for bites as he remembers what he had been told at the CDC. He takes one last deep before walking to retrieve his python. He stands with his back turned to his kids.

Rick: I... I'm sorry you had to see this. I...I tried to stop him.

Alex holds his brother as he cries, he looks at Rick with his eyes also being filled with tears but he tries his best to remain calm

Alex: How'd he get bit?

Rick: I....I don't know

He kept it secret from his kids. He felt like shit for lying but it had to be done, it was the best to shield his kids from the dangers of this world. He knew that he was just doing it to hide the truth between what happened between him and Shane. He began to walk back to the farm as he signaled for his kids to follow. Alex takes one last look at Shane before catching up with his dad and father.

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