The storm

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The kingdom had gone through a rough time when the winter fell, it caused the pipes to burst and fires broke out, the combination didn't mix well and the damp walls began to spread mold and King Ezekiel asked for the communities to migrate the kingdom's people somewhere, Jesus offered people, he was never confidant in his leadership and felt even worse after jaune lost his arm and the death of Tara. He knew that the presence of the king would help significantly with running things. The communities were starting to help with the packing, during some down time before their depart, Alex found himself writing in his journal...

Alex: Days gone bye...Weeks....Months, I've said it before no one's untouchable not even the king. This place...i hate to say it, but it was doomed ever since the tragedy that occurred during the fair. Both Ezekiel and Carol took a massive hit that washed depression amongst the community that just took the life out of everything, even for us back at Alexandria and from what i heard the hilltop too, i guess jesus couldn't cut it after what happened to Tara. Things have been rough for everyone but at least my sprits haven't died completely, I have Ruby with me, I was stupid not to admit that i wasn't in love with her but everything that has happened opened my eyes and i talk to her about and she felt the same way. I also took it upon me to take care of Lydia while she finds her place, i helped heal from henry by teaching her how to fight with his staff using Morgan's teachings. It hasn't completely healed anything but it takes my mind off of things. I have to be strong to fight the storms to come because there's no way I'm going to sit around with the whisperers still out there, i can't back down from that, i need to finish the job i started...

Alex finished writing in his journal and got up from the bench that he was sitting on, he made his way past the rotting gardens and walked over to Ruby who was putting stuff on the back of a cart with the help of Blake. 

Alex: Anything else that you need help with?

Blake: We're fine right here

Ruby: Yeah but umm...Oh! Jaune and Yang needed some help, they could do it but they kinda need a guy with two working arms.

Alex nods and kisses Ruby before walking over to Yang and Jaune who were struggling to lift a big crate into a cart. Jaune had gotten a prosthetic after losing his arm but even then a few months isn't exactly enough time to get acquainted with the "No arm" life. 

Alex: need help?

Yang: No we've got it- Ouch!

Jaune had accidently let the box slip and crushed Yang's foot which cause him to look at Yang apologetically.

Jaune: sorry!

Yang: Yeah it's fine

She said as she tried to take the crate off her foot but Alex did it instead and moved the crate over to the cart before turning back to Jaune and Yang.

Alex: I think it's best you guys starting helping with something else before you end with a foot prosthetic.

Jaune: I would've killed for them to have cut off my leg instead of my arm, it would've been easier, like when Rick cut off Hershel's leg back at the prison.

Alex: that would've made helping this caravan a lot easier.

Yang: You don't say?

Daryl walks over with Blake, Ruby and Lydia.

Daryl: They're moving out, we need to get going.

They all nod and hop into a carriage and wait for everyone else to get ready to pull out of the fallen kingdom. As the horse start carrying the carts behind them, everyone takes on last look at the kingdom before the gates close for the last time.

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