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Daryl, Blake, Henry, Lydia, Alex and Ruby run through the forest in the middle of the night. Henry turns to Daryl and Alex with a confused look on his face.

Henry: This isn't the way back to hilltop

Alex: They made a deal with those assholes, i made a deal with those assholes and we broke our promises, so it's not a good idea to go back.

Lydia: He's right, there's too many of them. Alpha will destroy hilltop to get me back now.

Daryl scowls

Daryl: And why didn't yell tell us that there was that many of them

Lydia: You locked me in a cage, What did you expect? I wasn't going to betray my own people!

Daryl: Well maybe you should go back to 'em. Henry didn't know what he was getting his ass into, but you sure as hell did.

Lydia: I thought i could go back...but i can't

Daryl: Well you ain't coming with us.

Alex: I'll go back

Ruby: Alex-

Alex: No! they know that i wanted to kill them, it's safe for them to assume that i was the only one that led the walkers to them.

Lydia: they'd still be searching for me and henry.

Alex: I know place, it's not the cleanest place but it's a place to go to, I'll be back

Ruby: NO! i lost you once to those guys and that caused a lot of problems to begin with, I'm not letting you do this!

Alex: Ruby this isnt about me-

Ruby: Yes it is...your angry that they took me and now you want to kill them all but that's not right. I know they deserve it but it's not worth you life and the life's of the people back at hilltop.

Ruby squeezes Alex's arm with his sleeve lifting up slightly showing the scar he had gotten from his first encounter with alpha's people back at the graveyard.

Ruby: Please...

Alex nods as they look to the others who all faces that agree with ruby's word.

Alex: Fine, but we've got to go.

Blake: But where?

Connie signals for all of them to go right but Daryl shakes his head

Daryl: No we go the other way.

Lydia sided with connie fearing that daryl would leave her if they did choose to go with him. Henry backed up lydia fearing the same thing. Alex says nothing as he sides with connie with ruby agreeing with his judgement. They all go to follow Connie leaving Blake with Daryl. Daryl curses underneath his breath as he reluctant follows them with Blake following behind him.

*Alpha's camp*

Beta walks around the camp overseeing his people rebuilding the camp after the destruction and panic Alex and the others caused. He walks over to a group of followers who were standing over one of there brothers who was bitten on the collar bone. Beta grabs the man's shirt and pulls it back to see the wound still spewing out blood. The man turns to beta with an angry and vengeful look seeing no fear in turning into one of the dead.

Follower: I'm going to turn into one of them

Beta grabs the man's hand and folds it into a fist and holds it tightly

Beta: But you will always be one of us

Beta looks at the followers around him

Beta: Find the man's wife and tell her that the change is coming to him.

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