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Rainbow dash:

"Awwwyeaaaaa!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Looks like Twilight is disturbed.

"Ok now srsly Rainbow Dash, what is really wrong with you?" She asked.

"Oh nothing. Its just that I got invited to the wonderbolts party!!!" I grinned.

"Well look at'ya! All happy like a ripe red apples!" Apple jack said.

"Oh da'hling Rainbow, were soooo absolutely happy for you!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Yea! I know right?! Squeee! I have to go now!" When I'm almost out of Twilight's house, Rarity suddenly grabbed me by the hoof. "Oh Darling! I have to fix your hair right away! And your-"
"No thanks Rars." I cutted her and refused.

"But darling! Look at you! I mean you want to go to one of the biggest party of the wonderbolts looking like that? Simply not!" Ugh.

"Rarity, I can manage."

"Ok, if you say so. So what do you need?" She asked.

"Just a brush and some ponytails." She handed me the brush and I started brushing my mane as rarity brushing my tail.

After 3 years, I mean 3 minutes, I'm done with my look.

I have a loose lower ponytail on my mane and tail.

"Ah DASHIE YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!" Pinkie complimented me in her, ahem, her usual voice.

I blushed. "Oh, really? Thanks Pinkie."

"Awww look at you sugar cube! Ya' look so pretty!!" AJ said.

>/////< "Aww guys! Stop it! Anyways I gotta go now. Bye guys!" I said byes to everypony.

"Bye and good luck RD!"

I make a mad dash to the party and hoped that I won't make a fool of myself there.



Another party. Great.

But something feels different. Like something good is going to happen to me at this party.

"Hey Soarin. So are you ready to flirt some mares at the party?" Rapid fire asked, smirking. As usual.

"Nah, I'll pass."

"Woah! What happened to the king of flirting mares?!" He was shocked.

"A$$#0£3. Anyways I gotta go and talk to Spitfire. See ya!"

"Hey Spitfire!" I found her rounding up the tickets as the guests arrives. "Oh hey Soarin. So what do you want?"

"Uh mind if I took a little break before the party?" I asked permission.

"Oh sure." She nods.


When I got out at the venue, I just sat in a cloud and wondered what's the name of the mare who saved my pie, saved me, and danced with me at Princess Cadence and Shining armor's wedding.

At that momentum I bumped into somepony.


"Awwww!!! What were you walking dude! You almost-" she paused and looked at me.

She's the mare! Wow, she's so beautiful.

She has those sparkling magenta eyes, that shining rainbow colored mane and her cyan fur. She's the mare I'm looking for!

"Uh, oh. I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash, right?" I apologized.

"Yep! The one and only! You must be Soarin, right?" She smiled. She's so beautiful...

"Yea. Nice to meet you Rainbow. You're the one who I danced with, saved me and my pie, right?"

"Uh-huh!" She nods.

"So wanna go inside the venue? Party's gonna start soon."

^_^"Sure Soarin!!"


I really love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon