Epilouge/Special chapter 1

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"Are you sure about this Sweetie Pie?" I asked Dashie again, looking like a nerve wrecked smashed Apple pie. No seriously.

Who wouldn't be nervous if you're going to meet your marefriend's parents??!! NOBODY RIGHT??!! WAAHHH!!! Help me please!

I really have so many doubts in my head like, "Will they like me?" Or "Will they accept me even though I'm two years older than Dashie?" Or-

"Aw c'mon honey pie, you're nervous. And too much doubts will worsen your eye bags! Just be yourself! I know they'll accept you!" She cut off my thoughts and she grinned. Do I really have eye bags? Do I really have eye bags??

"Do I really have big eye bags, Sweetie pie?" I asked while raising an eyebrow to ease my nervousness.

She laughed, which it made me calmer a lot,"Oh, you!"

If you're wondering were we are, we're at cloudsdale in front of Dashie's parents home. Just looking at the big mansion is really making me feel queasy.

Dashie told me she had a twin brother named Rainbow Horizon. (a/n: I made that name up lol!)

She knocked on the door then we waited for a while until....

"Oh! Dashie! You're home! And you've brought somepony with you!" A mare pegasi with pink fur, amethyst eyes and blue mane appeared opened the door and looked at me and smiled. Well, I would say the same thing as the Colt with short rainbow mane, amber eyes and indigo fur. He must be my marefriend's dad. He looked at me sternly and seriously.

"Come inside, we have a lot to know about you." Her dad said with a serious tone.

Just saying those words sends chills and imminent warning of death to my spine.

Oh please Celestia, help me survive this.....

I really love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon