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Guys! Sori if I kept u waiting! I'm so busy being a 2nd year student and all and I have to study hard too.

So guys! Hope you like this chappie!

PS. Tnx for the 2 votes though! It felt awesome! And for the views too! Hope this continues!
Let's get reading!

Gosh I got so bored at the party last night... there's just no thrill....

Just kidding though, I had a great night yesterday, its because of Rainbow.

She was...let's just say...awesome.

I had so much fun with her dancing and kept thinking about her...

...Passionate,Sparking magenta eyes...

...Long, flowing, shining rainbow mane..

...her soft, beautiful cyan fur...

...and her warm, carefree smile...

"EARTH TO SOARIN!" Surprise snapped at me. And Oh, Celestia its deafening.

"Owww! It hurts my ears!" I said while covering my ears.

"You've been spacing out since LAST NIGHT!! Care to explain why?" She wiggled her eyebrows,and may I remind you that it looked ridungculus on her? (A/N: I got "ridunculus" from ihascupquake in her video in YouTube. Its catchy. XD)

"I've got nothing worthy to tell you Surprise."
-___- *poker face*

"Surprise you are given orders from captain Spitfire.

Same as Co-captain Soarin." Great. What gives.

*in Spitfire's office*

Everytime I'm in Spitfire's office, I feel chills all over my mane.

"Surprise, Soarin I need you to welcome a certain pony."

A newbie? Pssshhh... the hella I care about him or her.

"Oooohhhh!!! Lemme guess!!!! Its a girl!" Surprise said.

" Yes and?"-spitfire

"Hmmmmm....You send a application letter for the...RAINBOW GIRL!!!" O___________O WHATT?????

"Hey Soarin you looked like you've seen a ghost or it that you're surprised that Rainbow dash is going to be your roommate next door and going to be a wonder bolt???" ^___^ Shez. This girl certainly knows me from head to toe.

"Hehehehe... anyways you're correct Surprise. And its true btw. She's arriving today." SHE'S WHAT??!!

I saw spitfire smirked. I can tell that these girls are planning something mischievous to me...

And I need help! TT^TT

"WHAT THE HAY ARE LOAFING AROUND SOARIIINNN??? LET'S GO GO GO!!" And I swear this girl reminds me of that pink crazy party girl. I think she comes by the name pinkie pie, one of Rainbow's friends.

*outside Spitfire's office*

I was about to go outside when my emerald eyes came across face to face with sparkling, magenta eyes...

I really love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon